HCR 230 Week 4 CheckPoint Describing TRICARE To purchase this material click below link Week-4-CheckPoint-Describing-TRICARE.


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HCR 230 Week 4 CheckPoint Describing TRICARE To purchase this material click below link Week-4-CheckPoint-Describing-TRICARE Resources: Appendix B and pp. 399–404, 409–411 in Ch. 12 of Medical Insurance Create a 5- to 8-slide Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentation that describes features of the TRICARE program and its four subsidiaries. Include detailed speaker notes to explain the following topics in your presentation: · Eligibility requirements · Covered and noncovered services · Network and nonnetwork providers · Participating and nonparticipating provider charges · Reimbursement Use a minimum of one reference. You may use your text as a reference. Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. Post your presentation as an attachment. For more classes visit