HCR 240 Week 3 CheckPoint File Maintenance in Medisoft To purchase this material click below link Week-3-CheckPoint-File-Maintenance-in-Medisoft Resource: Ch. 3 of Computers in the Medical Office Complete the following actions and take a screenshot after completing each one. Create a new document in Word in which you paste each screenshot needed to complete Exercise o Complete Exercise 3-6 about backing up data; take a screenshot after completing step 6 and paste it into the Word document. o Restore the backup file as shown on pp. 87–88; take a screenshot after completing step 8 and paste it into the Word document. o Rebuild indexes as shown on pp. 90–92; take a screenshot at step 4 and paste it into the Word document. o Pack data as shown on p. 91; take a screenshot at step 5 and paste it into the Word document. o Purge data as shown on p. 92; take a screenshot at step 4 and paste it into the Word document.
o Recalculate patient balances as shown on pp. 93–94; take a screenshot at step 4 and paste it into the Word document. Create a PowerPoint using each of the screenshots you created by completing Exercise 3-6. Paste the screenshots into the PowerPoint® document. Below each screenshot, in the notes section, provide a brief explanation for each function stating what it does and when it is used. Post the PowerPoint® document as an attachment. For more classes visit