W HAT ’ S THE FUTURE ? Web 3.0 = ?? The Web ain't just for 2D any more ! 2 Armand Rousso
W EB 3D What is it? Combination of two powerful forces the internet 3D graphics The result: interactive, realtime 3D graphics delivered over the web with applications in online gaming CAD, product demos, education, virtual tourism, real estate, and interior design 3 Armand Rousso
T ECHNOLOGY DRIVING WEB 3 D X3D (e X tensible 3D Graphics)–Third Generation Web3D Standard ISO open standard for (Web-enabled) interactive 3D Started in 1995 with VRML 1.0 VRML 2 or VRML 97 X3D now and in the forseable future Aims to overcome the shortcomings of VRML 4 Armand Rousso
X3DX3D ARCHITECTURE **Img courtesy:3d image processing standards and formats 5 Armand Rousso
X3 D F EATURES (2) Backward compatible with VRML Modularized Improved APIs, more language/object model bindings (e.g. DOM) and many clarifications to event model for better conformance Extensible MPEG-4MPEG-4 has streaming interactive 3D using VRML 7 Armand Rousso
S UPPORT Encodings supported XML,VRML Classic, Binary compressed File formats supported(jpg, png, gif, cgm,wav, midi,GeoSpatialreference frames) Protocols(http, Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) Languages(Java,ECMAScript,Preliminary work on C/C++ bindings) 8 Armand Rousso
X3D A UTHORING TOOLS Commercial: VizX3D Open-source: X3D-Edit VRML to X3D translator ovrt.nist.gov/v2_x3d.html Exporters for Maya, 3DStudio (under development), Blender, MilkShape 9 Armand Rousso
X3 D – W HAT IS IT FOR THE WEB ? Light weight plug-ins for browsers Flux™Player, Xj3D ™, Octaga™, BS Contact ™ Visual integration with existing web browsers (IE) Data integration with standard web infrastructure (XML) An open way to build on-line “worlds,”3D documents Highly scalable Interoperable 10 Armand Rousso
C ONCLUSION Factors enabling X3D growth Royalty free open source Sharing between applications Availability of authoring tools and environments Easily understandable standard X3D offers a way to do more cool things on the web- Something we all want!! 11 Armand Rousso
Q UESTIONS ? THANKS 12 Armand Rousso
X3D SUPORTS 3D graphics Polygonal geometry, parametric geometry,hierarchical transformations, lighting, materials and multipass/multi- stage texture mapping 2D graphics Text, 2D vector and planar shapes displayed within the 3D transformation hierarchy Animation Timers and interpolators to drive continuous animations; humanoid animation and morphing Spatialized audio and video Audiovisual sources mapped onto geometry in the scene User interaction Mouse-based picking and dragging, keyboard input 13 Armand Rousso