How to Secure Your Hotmail Account wi th Second Sign-In?
Doing the second sign-in verification is a wise choice for several r easons. The most important is that the verification will add to the security of your Hotmail account. This way, you will protect it from malicious phishing cams and hacker attacks. On top of that, com pleting the second sign-in verification will also help you if you forg et your login details, that is, your Hotmail Mail password. In that c ase, you will be able to ask for a new one through your mobile ph one.
The whole point of the second sign-in verification is to connect your Hotmail account with your mobile phone. Basically, by doing this you will confirm to Hotmail that you’re the owner of the account both thro ugh the Hotmail password and through the code you will get on your mobile phone. How Does the Second Sign-In Verification Work?
Calling Password Recovery Number Doing the second sign-in verification if a fairly s imple task, for which you don’t need to call the Hotmail technical support number. All you g ot to do is go to the Account Details and choos e the option Sign-In and Security. There you wi ll see an option called Set up your second sign -in verification. Once you click on it, you will be provided with a box that you need to check in o rder to enable the verification. After that, you h ave to type in your mobile number.
Just a few moments after you click Send, you will receive a code on your mobile, which you will need to type in, in order to finish the verific ation process. Usually, the verification goes sm oothly. If everything is alright, the whole proces s should not last more than just a couple of mi nutes. However, if something is wrong, like for example, if you’re not getting the code on your phone, you might need to contact the tech sup port. You can call their Hotmail technical sup port number New Zealand, which is
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