AED 222 Week 5 CheckPoint Devices and Practices for Sensory Impairments To purchase this material click below link Practices-for-Sensory-Impairments Resources: Ch. 13 & 14 in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction Refer to Ch. 13 & 14 in Special Education for Today’s Teachers: An Introduction. Research two devices and associated teaching practices that can aid students with sensory impairments in the classroom. One of the devices should assist with hearing impairments and one with visual impairments. Some examples include the following: hearing aids, computer assisted real-time transcription (CART), video magnifiers/closed-circuit televisions (CCTV), Braille embossers, and alternate format materials. Explain the following for each device in a total of 350 to 500 words: o How is the assistive device used in the classroom to help students with sensory impairments reach their full academic potential? o What type of student benefits from using the device? Include information about the characteristics and classification of the student. o How much additional information absorption can be expected with use of the device? o How can effective practices, used in conjunction with the device, provide added benefits? Be specific. Cite any additional resources used in APA format. Post your assignment as an attachment. For more classes visit