Our presentation Topic Qualitative Research Methodology
Content Choosing a qualitative method Sampling, Types of sampling, Non-Probability Sampling Interview, Interview formats Interviewer responsibilities The interview question hierarchy What is included in a recruitment screener Interview mode Types of research using IDIs IDI VS Group Group interview, group interview mode Focus group activity Determining the number of group Projective techniques Combining qualitative methodologies 7-5
Choosing a Qualitative Method 7-6 Types of participants Researcher characteristics Researcher characteristics Factors Schedule Budget Topics Project’s purpose
Qualitative Sampling 7-7 General sampling rule: You should keep conducting interviews until no new insights are gained.
Types of Sampling 7-8 Non-ProbabilityProbability
NonProbability Sampling 7-9 Purposive Sampling Snowball Sampling Convenience Sampling
Interview 7-10 Interview is a conversation where questions are asked and answer are given
Interview Formats 7-11 Unstructured Semi-structured Structured
Interviewer Responsibilities Recommends topics and questions Controls interview Plans location and facilities Proposes criteria for drawing sample Writes screener Recruits participants Develops pretasking activities Prepares research tools Supervises transcription Helps analyze data Draws insights Writes report 7-12
The Interview Question Hierarchy 7-13
Elements of a Recruitment Screener Heading Screening requirements Identity information Introduction Security questions Demographic questions Behavior questions Lifestyle questions Attitudinal and knowledge questions Articulation and creative questions Offer/ Termination 7-14
The Interview Mode 7-15 GroupIndividual
Types of Research Using IDIs 7-16 Cultural interviews Sequential interviewing Sequential interviewing Types Life histories Critical incident techniques Oral histories Ethnography
IDI vs Group Individual InterviewGroup Interview Research Objective Explore life of individual in depth Create case histories through repeated interviews over time Test a survey Orient the researcher to a field of inquiry and the language of the field Explore a range of attitudes, opinions, and behaviors Observe a process of consensus and disagreement Topic Concerns Detailed individual experiences, choices, biographies Sensitive issues that might provoke anxiety Issues of public interest or common concern Issues where little is known or of a hypothetical nature Participants Time-pressed participants or those difficult to recruit (e.g., elite or high-status participants) Participants with sufficient language skills (e.g., those older than seven) Participants whose distinctions would inhibit participation Participants whose backgrounds are similar or not so dissimilar as to generate conflict or discomfort Participants who can articulate their ideas Participants who offer a range of positions on issues 7-17
Group Interviews Dyads Triads Mini-Groups Small Groups (Focus Group) Supergroups 7-18
Focus Group Activity 7-19 Free Association Role PlayPhoto Shot Picture Short
Group Interview Modes 7-20 Telephone Online Videoconference Face-to-Face
Determining the Number of Groups 7-21 Scope Number of distinct segments Desired number of ideas Desired level of detail Homogeneity Level of distinction
7-22 MET Projective Techniques Sensory sorts Semantic Mapping Semantic Mapping Data Collection Techniques Data Collection Techniques Sentence Completion Cartoons Thematic Apperception Laddering Association Component Sorts Imagination Exercises Imagination Exercises
Combining Qualitative Methodologies 7-23 Action ResearchCase Study