BPA 302 Week 1 DQ's Check this A+ tutorial guideline at DQs BPA 302 Week 1 DQ 1 What is a public service? What public services do you use on a daily basis? Why can certain services only be delivered by the public sector? BPA 302 Week 1 DQ 2 What is meant by a public policy environment? Why must government establish a public policy environment? Why must government define the legal environment for business? BPA 302 Week 1 DQ 3 How would a consumer complaint be handled differently in the public sector than the private sector? Why do public administrators need to be more open when dealing with constituents and stakeholders? BPA 302 Week 1 DQ 4 Why is constituents’ satisfaction a measure of government quality? What differences exist between public and private sector policy-making processes? Why? BPA 302 Week 1 DQ 5 Why is health care provided both by the public and private sector? Should it be? Is the private sector always more proficient in providing services? Why or why not? For more classes visit