Why women have cellulite more than men To learn about easy cellulite remedy, browse Website.
Women tend to have more fat than men. The bands connecting skin and muscle are different on men than they are on women. Men have thicker bands, there are more of them, and they form a crisscross pattern. That keeps the fat in place so it doesn't pucker. Estrogen hormone in females leads to the enlargement of fat cells. When the hard fat accumulates, the process of metabolism slows down, thus making the women prone to cellulite. Estrogen
Fats Men are more likely to hold their fat in their abdomen, while women store it in the buttocks and thighs. The reason cellulite is visible is because the muscles push out the fat against the connective tissues and skin.
Cellulite is nothing more than normal fat underneath the skin pushing against collagen fibers. In women, collagen is arranged in vertical rows, while in men the fibers are more closely bound in a latticed pattern. When fat pushes up against a woman’s vertically arranged collagen fibers, the dreaded dimples rear their ugly heads. In men, however, these collagen fibers are so tightly bound that the fat rarely can push through enough to form the cellulite puckers. Collagen Fibers
Skin structure The skin structure of women is distinctive in the sense that it is more prone to acquiring cellulite. The layers of the connective tissue in the thigh region are relatively thin and frail for maintaining a uniform smooth appearance. As a result, the adjacent skin area is exposed to both fat contours and cellulite.
Flaws of subcutaneous layer The fatty subcutaneous layer lies below the surface of the skin and it is different in women when compared with men. The top layer is composed of several chambers of fat cells. Each of this chamber is separated from the other by connective tissues known as septae. In women, these fibrous septae are “mesh-like” whereas they are smooth in men. These mesh-like structures in women easily trap the fatty cells. The connective tissue is prone to developing stretches and folds, crumbling due to the pressure from the extra fat. This leads to the increase in fluid retention, resulting in the formation of cellulite condition.
Genetics The major role played by the genes which make women more vulnerable to cellulite is genetics. There is a strong genetic tendency towards cellulite. Each person inherits a tendency to deposit fat in certain areas - which plays a role in getting cellulite.
Removing cellulite is now not that difficult.... To learn about easy cellulite remedy, browse Website