PRESENTERS: Huma Zahid Huma Zahid Aliya Shaheen Aliya Shaheen Aqsa Ijaz Aqsa Ijaz
TOPIC: Comparison between Chinese and Indonesian education system
INTRODUCTION: China: China has population of almost 1.4 billion and biggest democratic country. China is non-Muslim state and the ideology of china change throughout the year. We can say ideological system is multi- oriented. Indonesia: Indonesia is the worlds fourth most populous country and third- largest democracy. The archipelago of over 18,000 island is home to more than a quarter million people, of whom 86% identify as Muslims making it the worlds biggest Muslim- majority nation.
HISTORY: China: Founded: October 1, 1949 Area: million Km ² Divisions: 34 Provinces: 23 Indonesia: Founded: March 20, 1602 Area: 5 million km² Island: 23
PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS: China: The number of private higher education institutions in operation rose from 39 to 729. The quality of these institutions is highly variable. Indonesia: The number of private higher education institutions are more than 1000 and 51 public.
EDUCATION SYSTEM: China: Education in China is governed on three levels: national, provincial, and local. 1.At the national level, the Ministry of Education is the central government agency responsible for formulating macro education policies. 2.Provincial education departments manage the local policy development and implementation under the guideline of the state regulations The local education authorities have primary supervision responsibility over elementary education. Indonesia: Education in Indonesia is governed on two levels: The Ministry of National Education Ministry of Religious Affairs. 1. At the national level, the Ministry of Education is the central government agency responsible for formulating macro education policies. 2. And Ministry of Religious Affairs is responsible for Islamic schools or madrasahs. Islamic primary, lower and upper secondary schools
COMPULSORY EDUCATION: China: The Compulsory Education Law of the People’s Republic of China requires starting at age six, all children must complete nine years of compulsory element. Indonesia: Primary schooling begins at the age of six for most children and is compulsory for all. Education is compulsory for the first nine years (primary and junior secondary), and Islamic education is offered at all levels
PRIMARY EDUCATION: China: There are two stages in compulsory education: 1.elementary school (1-6), (1-5) 2. junior high school (7-9), (6-9) Some provinces employ a 6+3 system – six years of elementary school followed by three years of junior high school – while others use a 5+4 system. Indonesia: Education is compulsory for the first nine years: 1. primary (1-6) 2. junior secondary (7-9) All country employ a school structure (6+3) system – six years of elementary school followed by three years of junior secondary education
CURRICULUM FOCUSES AT ELEMENTARY LEVEL: china: The elementary curriculum focuses on general education, covering moral education Subjects: o Chinese language o mathematics o arts o physical education Indonesia: The elementary curriculum focuses on general education, covering moral education Subjects: o Civics and religious education o moral education o Indonesian history o Bahasa Indonesia (national language)
o Mathematics o Science o social studies o physical education o art.
CURRICULUM FOCUSES AT JUNIOR HIGH LEVEL: China: Junior high school curriculum focus on general education courses. Subject: o moral education o Chinese o Mathematics o foreign language Indonesia: Junior high school curriculum focus on general education courses. Subject: o Pancasila (civics) o religious education o Bahasa Indonesia o English language
o sciences (physics, chemistry, biology) o history and society (or geography) o physical education and health o arts (music and fine arts) o comprehensive practice o mathematics o biology o chemistry o physics o economics o geography o history o art o physical education
SECONDARY EDUCATION: China: There are two types of schools at senior secondary level: 1.regular high school 2.vocational high school Indonesia: Upper secondary education is based on three level: 1. first-year 2. second year 3. vocational high school
Regular high schools: Students in regular high school typically have to choose between the science stream and the art stream of study prior. Frist year education: the first-year curriculum being more generalist than the last two. Students join either the general academic or vocational stream upon entry into upper secondary. Second year education: From the second year of the general academic upper secondary stream, students specialize in one of four discipline groups, while also continuing to study core subjects: Natural Sciences Social Sciences Languages
Required subjects include: Language and literature: Chinese and foreign language Mathematics Humanities and society: Geography, history, ideology, and politics Science: Biology, chemistry, geography, and physics Technology: General technology, and information technology Comprehensive practice: Community service, research-oriented study, and social practice Physical and health education Arts: Fine arts and music Required subjects include: To pass the examinations an overall average of 6 is required (4.26 minimum for individual subjects). The exception is for key schools, where the minimum pass mark is 6 in each subject. National Examinations: The National Examinations are administered by the Ministry of National Education. To pass the exams, an overall average of 6 is required (4.26 minimum for individual subjects). Students are tested in the following streams: Natural Science (mathematics, Bahasa Indonesia and English) Social Science (Bahasa Indonesia, English and economics) Language (Bahasa Indonesia, English and another foreign language)
VOCATIONAL TRAINING SCHOOL: China: Vocational high school curriculum has two major categories: 1.academic foundation 2.vocational/specialty subjects. Indonesia: Technical education is offered in six broad streams in both general and religious schools: 1.Technology and engineering 2.information and communication technology welfare, arts, crafts, and tourism 4.agribusiness 5.agro-technology and management
academic foundation: The ratio of academic to vocational courses is typically 4:6. Moral education, Chinese, mathematics, computer applications and physical education are among the compulsory subjects. vocational/specialty subjects: Vocational courses include foundational and specialty courses, teaching practice, and a comprehensive internship. Study hours are equally distributed between practice and theory learning. The internship usually spans an entire semester. Technology and engineering information and communication technology community welfare, arts, crafts, and tourism agribusiness agro-technology business and management
HIGHER EDUCATION: China: China’s higher education is highly stratified. Structurally, it is divided into two sector 1. regular higher education 2. adult higher education Indonesia: Indonesian higher education system is divided into four categories 1. Diploma 3 (D3) Ahli Madya - Equivalent to an associate’s degree 2. Diploma 4 (D4) Sarjana - Equivalent to a bachelor's degree 3. Sarjana 1 (S1) Sarjana - Equivalent to a bachelor’s degree 4. Sarjana 2 (S2) Sarjana - Equivalent to a master’s degree 5. Sarjana 3 (S3) Doctor - Equivalent to a doctoral degree
Regular higher education: in the regular sector, offer degrees; many offer only graduation certificates. Around 1,202 institutions in the regular higher education sector are academically oriented and grant degrees. The remainder focus on practical and occupational skills and offer graduation certificates. Diploma 3 (D3) Ahli Madya - Equivalent to an associate’s degree: An associate degree is an undergraduate academic degree awarded by colleges and universities upon completion of a course of study lasting two years. It is considered to be greater level of education than a high school diploma or GED but less than a bachelor's degree. Diploma 4 (D4) Sarjana - Equivalent to a bachelor's degree A bachelor's degree awarded by colleges and universities upon completion of a course of study lasting three to seven years.
Admissions in regular higher education: Admission to a regular higher education institution is dependent on high school graduation and Gaokao scores. The Gaokao is held on June 7 and 8 every year. (Some provinces extend the exam to the 9th.) Results are released by the end of June. Applicants are typically high school students in their senior year, however there has been no age restriction since Nearly nine million students take the Gaokao annually. Sarjana 1 (S1) Sarjana - Equivalent to a bachelor’s degree: A bachelor's degree awarded by colleges and universities upon completion of a course of study lasting three to seven years. Sarjana 2 (S2) Sarjana - Equivalent to a master’s degree: A master's degree is a second-cycle academic degree awarded by universities upon completion of a course of study demonstrating mastery or a high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional practice
Adult education programs: follow the curriculum offered by regular institutions, but the teaching format is more flexible and diverse, including distance-learning and part-time study. Just under 30 percent of undergraduate students are enrolled in adult higher education institutions. Sarjana 3 (S3) Doctor - Equivalent to a doctoral degree: A doctoral is an academic degree awarded by universities that is, in most countries, a research degree that qualifies the holder to teach at the university level in the degree's field, or to work in a specific profession.
Admission in adult higher education: Admission to adult higher education institutions, or adult education programs at regular universities, is based on the National Adult College Entrance Examination (also known as “the adult Gaokao.”) Applicants are expected to have academic skills on par with high school graduates at the time of the examination, however a high school diploma is not required for enrollment in adult higher education programs.
DEGREES AND CERTIFICATES: China: An estimated 1,200 institutions in the regular higher education sector grant degrees. There are three ladders of degrees in China: 1.bachelor’s 2. master’s 3.doctorate. Indonesia: there were 2,428 private institutions of higher education sector grant degrees. There are four ladders of degrees in Indonesia: 1. The Diploma 2. The Bachelor’s Degree 3. The Master’s Degree 4. The Doctor of Philosophy
China is not offer this type of any diploma The Diploma : The Diploma (Diploma I – Diploma IV) requires one to four years of full time study, or credits depending on program length. The title of the Diploma (I-IV) generally indicates, in years, the length of the program. The D-II award is offered mainly in education, while the D- III award is the most common and D-III programs are typically offered at polytechnics. The D-I and D-IV are offered in a limited number of fields, and the D-IV is considered a degree- level program akin to a bachelor of applied science.
Bachelor’s degrees: China: Bachelor’s programs normally require four years of full-time study in a traditional classroom setting. (Some programs at the bachelor’s level — for instance, architecture, medicine, and a few engineering programs — require five- years of study.) Indonesia: The Bachelor’s Degree requires four to five years of full time study, or credits, with courses in the student’s major beginning in the first year. Longer programs are typically in professional fields such as medicine, dentistry and pharmacy, and allow awardees the right to practice, although extra requirements may be needed in health fields.
CURRICULUM: China: The curriculum in most disciplines consists of four major areas: General compulsory subjects such as computer basics, English, mathematics, ideology and politics, fundamentals of law, and physical education General elective subjects in humanities and sciences Specialty compulsory subjects in the chosen field of study Specialty elective subjects in the student’s focus of interest Indonesia: Music, Electrical Engineering, Accounting, Architecture, Product Design, Teacher Education, Interior Design, Psychology, Civil Engineering, Art
MASTER’S DEGREES: China: At master’s level, there are two types of program: academic and professional. Most full-time academic programs are three years long. Professional programs are typically two years long; there are 39 recognized professional degrees at master’s level. Indonesia: The Master’s Degree requires two years of full time study, or credits, and the completion of a thesis.
DOCTORAL DEGREES: China: Doctoral programs, the highest-level degree programs offered in China, normally require a minimum of three years to complete. During this period, students are expected to complete coursework, pass a final examination, and write and defend a dissertation Indonesia: The Doctor of Philosophy requires a minimum of three years or credits, and the defense of a dissertation.
STUDENT MOBILITY TRENDS: China: The number of Chinese students at foreign institutions in 2014 increased by more than 11 percent over the previous year. The U.S. is now the top host country for students from China; California, New York and Texas are the leading destinations Indonesia: Malaysia became the most popular destination for Indonesian students according to UNESCO data, which is reflective of an Indonesian focus on affordability and cultural similarities.
GOVERNMENT IMPROVEMENT INITIATIVES: China: invested tens of billions of dollars – to improve the quality and international competitiveness of top-tier higher education institutions in China. Indonesia: government and current private efforts will achieve 3,000-4,000 of the aimed increase in Indonesian student numbers. by innovative ways to lower the cost of a U.S. education, guarantee student loans by governments
PROBLEMS AND ISSUES IN EDUCATION SYSTEM: China: unequal opportunity, expensive tuition difficult standards for admission education commercialization Indonesia: Corruption Technology non-existent Teachers poorly qualified Materials and equipment are lacking
TEACHING METHOD: China: Chalk and talk Discovery learning Indonesia: Communicative Approach Direct Method