DOUG ROBINSON Scoutmaster W Generations In Scouting
NE-II-177NE-II-177 3
4 Learning Objectives As a result of this session, you will: Understand generational differences as another aspect of diversity. Consider how these differences impact each group. Understand the “adult led, youth run” aspect of a unit. Learn ways to work together across generations for a better future.
5 What is a Generation?
6 A group of people who were born in approximately the same time frame who share common cultural icons and attitudes.
7 Scouting is over 100 years old now. Much is the same. But much has changed. Just think of the last 30 or 50 years!
Camp Maple Dell-1968
Camp Tifie
How is scouting the same? How is scouting different? Why did it change? What will future changes look like? How are these changes a reflection of different generational input in the program?
Current Generations in Scouting: Greatest Generation – 1925 to 1945 Baby Boomers – 1946 to 1964 Generation X – 1965 to 1981 Millennial Generation – 1982 to 2000 Generation Z – 2001 to Now
12 The Greatest Generation Born Between
Red Robinson 1921–2014 Maple Dell
14 Events & Experiences World War II The Great Depression Attack on Pearl Harbor Roosevelt’s New Deal GI Bill Korean War The Transistor Radio Telephone
15 Baby Boomer Generation Born Between
Doug Robinson 1953 Boy Scout 1965 to 1969
Doug Robinson 1953 Rock n Roller – 1972 to 1989
Doug Robinson 1953 Adult Scout Leader 1987 to 2017+
19 Events & Experiences Race Riots, Civil Rights, Kent State Watergate Woodstock & The Best Rock n Roll Space Travel Assassinations (JFK, RFK, MLK…..) Scientific Advances Television
20 Generation X Born Between
Sam Robinson Russia
Sam Robinson 2016 B-Day
23 Events & Experiences The Internet Cell Phones & Video Gaming Working Moms MTV Desert Storm Challenger Disaster Fall of the Berlin Wall AIDS
24 Millennials Born Between
Josh Frisbee Born 1984
26 Events & Experiences School Shootings Social Networking September 11 th Enron, World Com etc… Iraq & Afghanistan Oklahoma City Bombing Continual Feedback Peer / Social pressures !
Generation Z Born 2001 to Now Liam – 2008, Ayden – 2007, Chance
Events & Experiences Technology Easy access to information Social media Declining availability of print media Terrorism Sedentary lifestyles Global health crises Climate Change
Do You Agree With assessments of each of your generations? The descriptions of individual generations fit each of them? Do they fit others they know in a different age group? Do you agree on each category?
Why is this important to us? Diversity and inclusiveness? (day two) How is this the same? How are our other leadership skills applied? Communication? Conflict Management How can you use this in your ticket process?
Buzz Group Station One (Beavers & Owls) Station Two (Bobwhite &Bears) Station Three (Fox & Buffalo) Station Four (Eagles & Antelope)
33 WWYD ?? ( What Would You Do) Your unit is conducting a Youth Leadership Training. The older youth are running / staffing the program Adult leadership is multigenerational Youth leadership has 15 teens (Generation Z) Youth staff wants to run everything without adult help. You’re responsible for safety, budget and final result. It’s the last staff development and the youth staff is still a little rough around the edges but wants to kick back & chill.
35 WWYD ?? Who runs the show……you or the youth staff? How do you react when the youth makes a decision that you don’t agree with? How can the expectations & characteristics of each of the five generations factor into this conflict?