Medicinal Plants for Diseases “Epilepsy ” A series of Lectures By Mr. Allah Dad Khan former DG Agriculture Extension KP Province and Visiting Professor the University of Agriculture Peshawar
What is Epilepsy? Epilepsy is a brain disorder that causes neurons to misfire in the brain and send out incorrect signals, ultimately classified by causing seizures. Seizures can vary between brief loss of awareness, to mood swings, to loss of body function and motor control, but these signs of epilepsy are ultimately the result of misfired brain signals. Diagnosis is usually made after brain scans. In infants, seizures can be caused by lack of oxygen to the brain, central nervous system infections, physical trauma, or congenital abnormalities; whereas in late childhood to adults, seizures may be caused by nervous system lesions, trauma, tumors, stress, drug use, or alcohol withdrawal. In epileptics, seizures can be triggered by flashing lights, emotional stress, alcohol, and even reading. Epilepsy can be controlled with medication, but currently medicine cannot cure epilepsy
Herbal Remedies
Valerian The valerian herb is a very popular anti-spasmodic medication in Russia and Germany. In America, it is mostly known for its sedative effect, but it also has an anti-convulsant action that is beneficial for epileptic people. In addition, it has been shown to aid concentration. Low doses are recommended to avoid its sedative effect.beneficial
Kava Kava kava is a herb that contains nuciferine, an anti-spasmodic. Kava kava is relaxing, so it is best taken at night, before sleeping. Read about kava kava in our article,
Scullcap Scullcap and Indian tobacco (lobelia inflata) have both been traditionally used for convulsions, seizures, and tremors. Although there have been few official studies concerning their effectiveness. Skullcap is believed to be calming, while Indian tobacco is believed to relax the muscles. Indian tobacco is technically not a tobacco, even though it is smoked. It is known for reversing the lung damage that is caused by smoking real tobacco
Ash Gourd: For some reason, this particular type of gourd is believed to have healing powers for those who suffer from seizures. Therefore using ash gourd as a home remedy for epilepsy can help to relieve the symptoms and prevent seizures. Eating the gourd or drinking the juice of it can help, but turning to a supplement featuring this type of gourd can provide the best relief and is highly recommended as a natural cure.
Bacopa Leaf: Used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine, the Bacopa leaf, or Brahmi, is an effective home remedy for epilepsy. It is a powerful nerve health promoter and is known to enhance memory, concentration as well as treat epilepsy. It enhances nerve health and protects the neurons against damage, keeping seizures at bay.
Black Cohosh: Highly recommended in numerous respected publications. Like many of the herbs already mentioned, it’s considered a sedative and antispasmodic and has been extensively used for epilepsy
Blue Vervain: Worth mentioning here after reading old American herb doctors tales of their successes with stubborn cases of epilepsy. Blue Vervain is another wonderful herb used by many cultures all over the world. It is an American Indian remedy for several diseases including nervous afflictions.
Castor Oil: A natural emollient that penetrates the surface layers of the skin, making it softer and more supple. The effects of externally applied castor oil can be enhanced through the use of a “castor oil pack” — a piece of wool flannel saturated with the oil and applied to the body. Use of a pack allows the greatest penetration in a specific area of the body. The application of heat further increases this penetration, allowing the oil to better impart its qualities to the body.
Chamomile Tea: Known for its antioxidant and cleansing properties, chamomile tea can also abate the symptoms of epilepsy. It’s a natural soothing agent and works by calming the nerves. If you feel you have a seizure coming, you should definitely try this remedy. Sipping a strong chamomile tea can be of great help. Boil some water and add a teabag of chamomile tea. Allow it to steep for at least 15 minutes, making sure that the tea is very strong. Sipping it will immediately soothe your on- edge nerves.
Lobelia: Lobelia is an effective herb that was historically used in the treatment of epilepsy. It has anti- spasmotic action that helps in abating seizures.
Coconut Water: Ever experience that totally refreshed and cool feeling after drinking coconut water on a sweltering day? That’s because coconut water is a magic potion loaded with vital minerals, electrolytes, and water. These three things promote better neuron health and keeps the neurological system cranked up, ensuring proper functioning of the brain.
Garlic: Most easily found in every home, garlic is full of medicinal benefits. To use it as a home remedy for epilepsy, take equal quantities of water and milk. To this, add 3-4 crushed cloves of garlic. Boil the mixture well and drink a glass of this mixture everyday. The water and milk keep your body hydrated and replenished with minerals, while the garlic has many properties for improving neurological health.
Essential Oils: Essential oils are natural soothing and calming agents. Oils of lavender, ylang ylang, and chamomile can be used daily to keep up nerve health and to reduce anxiety and stress related to epilepsy.
Gooseberry: Amla, is a wonderful fruit, whose benefits never ceases to surprise. Not only is it the richest source of Vitamin C, it also has loads of antioxidants and minerals. One glass of amla juice taken on an empty stomach can help relieve the symptoms of epilepsy and prevent seizures.
Licorice: Once again, licorice or Mulethi, proves that it is much more than what we know it to be. Grind some licorice and add it to a tablespoon of honey. Take this homemade medicine every day to find relief from epilepsy and its symptoms. CAUTION: Do not consume licorice during pregnancy for any reason as it may cause premature labor!
Motherwort: This is a historic way of treating epilepsy since this serves as a nerve tonic and sedative. The tonic is extracted by boiling the herb in hot water. Daily consumption is effective in treating epilepsy.
Onion: For treating epilepsy, extract the juice of 2-3 onions and mix it well in water. Drink a glass of this mixture daily for at least 2 months and you will find great relief from your symptoms.
Sesame Oil: A massage of this lesser known oil can help to immediately soothe the symptoms of epilepsy. Take a little warm sesame oil and massage it well onto the soles of the feet, temples and palms. This works well if done at bedtime after which you can get a good dose of calm sleep.
alerian: Currently one of the most popular orthodox antispasmodic medications in Russia and Germany according to Daniel Mowrey author of Herbal Tonic Therapies. It’s anticonvulsant action has been useful in treating epilepsy. Valerian was used in the First World War to prevent shell shock in front-line troops. Valerian is classified as a tonic herb. It can regulate and balance opposite extremes. Recent research has shown it to be a sedative but more research has reported it can also stimulate in a way as to improve coordination, increase concentration and energy. This tonic nature of Valerian allows it to depress or stimulate where necessary depending on the current needs of the nervous system. Another way Valerian has been characterized by clinical studies is that it has neurotropic effects directly on higher centers of the central nervous system. One of the most remarkable aspects of Valerian is the almost total lack of toxicity, even with long-term use.