Relieve the Itchy Member with Soapless Cleansers


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Presentation transcript:

Relieve the Itchy Member with Soapless Cleansers

Men who have been dealing with an itchy member for what seems like forever might become quite frustrated, especially if they are doing everything “right” – practicing excellent male organ care, keeping their skin clean and moisturized, and even using the proper protections when it’s time for a night of passion.male organ care What men might not realize is that the thorough shower they enjoy every day might actually be the culprit for that dry, itchy member. Manhood itching is often a result of using soap-based products, such as a typical soap bar or body wash that contains certain chemicals. In order to keep male organ skin hydrated, smooth and supple – and eradicate that itch – a man needs to use a soapless cleanser.

But what’s the difference? It can seem as though there is very little difference between soap and soapless cleansers. In fact, some bath bars marketed as ‘beauty bars’ or ‘bath wash’ or ‘male care’ might actually be soapless, but they look just like their soap-filled counterparts on the shelf. Sometimes it’s clear what is soap and what it not. If the ingredient list includes a variety of things no one can really pronounce, as well as added fragrance, it’s a sure bet a guy is looking at a bar of soap. Remember, the more ingredients, the more likely it is to spark an allergic reaction or lead to a red, itchy member – even if it doesn’t seem to harm skin on the rest of the body. If a guy is unsure, he should pay close attention to the label. Write down the ingredients and do an internet search; anything that comes back as ‘detergent’ or ‘surfactant’ usually means it’s a soapless cleanser.

How do they work? Soap is usually a combination of fats, salts and oils. The fatty acids in the soaps can actually dry out more delicate skin on the body and the higher pH content dries it out further, allowing more opportunity for bacteria to set up shop. Soapless cleansers omit the fats and replace them with more oils. While a man might think that putting more oil on his skin is a bad thing, the opposite is actually true: A cleanser with oil in it gets rid of the ‘used’ oil in the skin that has picked up debris and pollution along the way, and replaces it with the ‘new’ oil that comes from the cleanser. The result is cleaner skin, but the same feeling of hydration as before the shower began.

And in many cases, soap leaves a thin layer of residue on the body. Though it might not be seen, it can certainly be felt when the soap residue dries out the skin. Soapless cleansers are non-alkaline, which means they wash down the drain easily and don’t leave that residue – thus helping ensure the skin doesn’t have a layer of drying chemicals on it when the shower is over.

How to choose the right products Once a man has determined which products are soapless, it’s time to think about which one to use. He should look for a cleanser that contains no fragrances and lots of moisturizing oils. He should also look for something that contains natural ingredients. If he can’t pronounce most of the ingredients, it’s time to look for something else.

And in between those showers, a man can help ensure better manhood health through the use of a good male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A man should look for a crème that contains vitamin A, to help fight bacterial growth, as well as Shea butter and vitamin E to guard against itchy member skin that results from too little hydration. For an added boost, a guy can go for a crème that contains vitamin D and C, as well as beneficial amino acids that help maintain male organ health.male organ health crème