Manhood Sensitivity: Keeping Sensation in the Member.


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Presentation transcript:

Manhood Sensitivity: Keeping Sensation in the Member

It’s something many guys simply take for granted: manhood sensitivity. After all, they’ve had years of experiencing that intense sensation whenever the member is touched, whether by themselves or by someone else. It always feels so good that most guys don’t think there could ever be a deadening or diminishment of manhood sensitivity and sensation, or that there are male organ health steps they can take to keep that intense sensation feeling lively.male organ health Of course, there are steps, things a guy can do to make sure that his manhood has that good old tingling sensation that makes sensual activity, whether alone or with a partner, so memorably enjoyable. Following are a few of those steps.

- Remember the lube. One of the most common reasons for diminishment of feeling in the member is excess friction from rough handling. It’s understandable that lubricant may not always be handy – but when it is available, use it. Self-stimulating in a “dry” state or engaging in penetrative sensual activity with an orifice that is not properly lubricated can damage those delicate nerve endings in the male organ by rubbing it raw. - Go easy on the edging. So there are some nights (or weekends) when a guy just wants to spend some lengthy quality time alone with his member. Often a guy will end up edging, that is, self-stimulating for as long as a few hours straight without releasing. In such cases, it’s imperative to use lubricant – but be aware that even lubricant doesn’t always protect the member from a really involved stroke session. Once in while this is fine; but doing it too often can lead to a guy finding that the stroking simply isn’t as stimulating anymore.

- Avoid injury. Okay, so this seems like a no-brainer – but as guys know too well, the member and the brain don’t always go together. Some injuries, such as a sudden blow to the member from another person, may be unavoidable. But others can be. For example, it’s good to “air out” the manhood occasionally, especially when fighting a male organ odor situation. But if walking around the house bare, don’t get the manhood too near an open flame, scalding water, a cat’s claws, etc. And wearing an athletic supporter when playing sports is simply a good protective idea. - Keep unwanted friction away. Similarly, going commando can be fun, but only for a limited amount of time. The reason is that trousers usually are made of a rougher material, such as denim or wool, than soft cotton underwear. When the member rubs against this rough fabric, the friction can be uncomfortable and can lead to loss of sensitivity – especially if the experience is repeated frequently.

- Dispense with cologne. Even guys without significant male organ odor sometimes wonder if they should put a few spritzes of cologne on their member to make it smell better. Those who have tried it have quickly realized their mistake. Cologne tends to really sting sensitive manhood skin; while it is unlikely to lead to permanent loss of sensation, it can make the skin too uncomfortable for action for a few days.

- Take advantage of a top notch male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to prevent loss of manhood sensitivity and retain prime sensation. Not all male organ health crèmes will do, however; what is needed is one which contains L carnitine. This amino acid is neuroprotective and can protect against peripheral nerve damage caused by friction, compression, and other common injuries. It also is wise to select a crème with alpha lipoic acid. This powerful antioxidant fights free radicals, which cause oxidative stress that can damage member skin and thereby prevent it from functioning at its peak.male organ health crème