Presentation on field visit of National Defence College and National Defence Service Command and Staff College at Mirpur. Presented By- Group: Padma 82nd SSC BPATC, Savar, Dhaka.
Objective of Field Visit To acquire knowledge and get idea about National Defence College and National Defence Service Command and Staff College, Mirpur, Dhaka.
National Defence College NDC was established on December, 1996 and started its operation in Structuring of NDC was done by 3 member British advisory team. Its main objective is to impart knowledge to senior military and civil service officers on national security and broader perspective.
National Defence College Course Conducted: National Defence Course Capston Course Armed Forces war Course
NDC:National Defence Course Aim of the course To prepare selected senior officers of the armed forces, the civil services and the allied countries for taking higher responsibility in the direction and management of national security and development. O bjectives of the Course To enhance course members’ knowledge on higher level national security and defence issues and matters affecting national policy. To reinforce course members’ understanding of Bangladesh institutions and society. To enhance course members’ understanding of the factors that influence national policy making.
NDC: National Defence Course To develop course members’ strategic vision. To improve course members’ personal qualities, individual skills and interpersonal relationship. Course Duration The Course is of 47 weeks duration and is distributed into four (04) studies. Each study consists of weeks.
NDC: National Defence Course Course Curriculum National Defence Course is a multidisciplinary course tailored to suit the stated aim and the objectives. The 11 month long course is divided into four studies. Each study is 10 to 12 weeks long, concentrating on related key aspects. The theme moves from Bangladesh to global issues and to international relations. It focuses on analysis of Bangladesh’s National Security and a look into the future. Course curriculum include visits and tour programmes, designed to support the studies.
NDC: National Defence Course Graduation On successful completion of the course, the course members are awarded with the post- nominal symbol ‘ndc’ through a graduation ceremony.
Armed Forces War Course (AFWC) AFWC: It is a joint services course which focuses on operational level planning and conduct of war. Aim of the Course To prepare selected armed forces officers of Bangladesh for taking higher command and staff responsibilities. Duration: 44-weeks Course. Divided into four terms. Each term is of 10 to 12 weeks.
Armed Forces War Course (AFWC) Participants: Selected Armed Forces officers of Bangladesh of the rank of Colonel/ Lieutenant Colonel and equivalent.
Capstone Course Capstone Course: On National Security and Strategic Studies. It is designed to enhance knowledge, skills and networks related to multilateral security cooperation in Bangladesh among senior law / policy makers, security- practitioners, judges, executives, civil society representatives, senior military officers, media personalities, entrepreneurs and other distinguished personalities of the society.