Maintain Male Organ Health by Avoiding These Gym Infections


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Presentation transcript:

Maintain Male Organ Health by Avoiding These Gym Infections

When a man goes to a public gym and chooses to use the shower or toilets, he might worry about potential infections that could be lurking in such public areas. The good news is that careful manhood care when out and about can help ensure a man can make use of the facilities but not have to worry about dragging home a few infections after he’s done. Here’s what a guy needs to know to stay in optimum male organ health when using public facilities, such as a gym shower.manhood care

Infections are rampant in public facilities Unfortunately, it’s true – many men wind up with some sort of infection if they don’t take proper care to protect themselves when using a public facility. The biggest culprit is athlete’s foot, which many a man has contracted because he made the mistake of walking barefoot through the gym showers! But when it comes to male organ health, there are some infections that can be readily transferred from one man to another, simply by making a few missteps in the hygiene department. Here’s how to avoid that problem.

- Never use another guy’s towel. If another man offers the use of his towel, always say no, thanks. Even if the towel seems fresh and dry, it’s impossible to know where it’s been. Perhaps it was in a locker next to another towel that has already been used; bacteria could make its way from one towel to another. And that’s just one scenario! The smart man will always carry his own towel to the public shower. - Avoid the shower curtain or door. When in an individual shower, try not to brush up against the shower curtain, door, or walls, for that matter. Though these areas are cleaned often, just one guy with an infection of some sort can leave a little trace of it between cleanings of those showers, and then a man has a serious problem on his hands – or his manhood, as it were.

- Never use another man’s hygiene products. If a man needs a razor or shaving cream in a pinch, it’s best to go without it rather than use one that is offered by someone else. That’s because even if the razor or cream has never been used before, the cream could have certain chemicals that are not good for male organ health – and the same is true for the razor if it has moisture strips or other bells and whistles in addition to the blade itself. - Clean off the toilet. Though the idea of getting an infection from a toilet seat has mostly been put to rest by science, there is still the chance that it could happen in a gym toilet area. Why? Because some men who go the toilets do so when they are hot and sweaty, and thus leave a layer of that sweat on the seat. This moisture can easily help a dermatological condition hang around for the next guy to pick up. So to be sure, simply use a towel or cloth to wipe down the seat before sitting.

- Watch the hands. Finally, remember that though a man’s junk might not touch a shower curtain or shower wall, his hands certainly might. That means a guy should wash his hands thoroughly before he washes the rest of his body, and wash his hands last before getting out of the shower as well. This can help a guy avoid picking up any sort of fungal or bacterial issue from the surfaces and then transfer that to his body.

And of course, a good male organ health routine wouldn’t be complete without the generous daily use of a specially formulated member health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A guy will want to look for a crème that contains retinol, better known as vitamin A, which offers some protection against fungal infections. He will also want a crème that contains vitamin D, the better for keeping male organ health in good shape overall.member health crème