Getting is a Green Card is an accomplishment in itself. For many immigrants it is like a ‘dream come true’.
Greetings: Americans shake hands firmly with each other when they meet for the first time or when they meet again, but rarely when they part. Distance and Eye Contact: While standing and talking to each other, two Americans stay at least 16 inches away from each other, which is farther away than is customary in many other cultures.
Talking to the point: When asking an American for something, especially when dealing with sales help in stores and markets, extensive pleasantries are not required as in some other countries. Time punctuality: Most Americans are very punctual; they arrive exactly on time or a few minutes early for an appointment.
Fitness first: Going for a walk in the early morning and after dinner is popular among Americans. Some people also opt jogging and running or going to the local gym to stay physically fit. Social manners: You can’t just show up at someone’s house instead you have to call them first and ask if they are available at a particular time and date. Unexpected visits are not appreciated, except in emergency.
Social Meetings: You can only visit someone if you are invited for snacks, lunch, dinner, or for any other party, in such cases it is customary for you to buy a gift for the host. Others first: In public places, it is generally courteous to open the door for others nearby and let them pass through first, especially for ladies. Marriage and Family: In the US society family still have a prominent place. More than half of unmarried adults between the ages of 28 and 24 still live with their parents.
Diet and Eating: Eating habits and styles usually differ with people from different backgrounds. Americans usually eat with the fork or spoon. But they eat fast foods, such as chips, fried chicken, hamburgers, pizza, and tacos with the fingers. Recreation: The most popular spectator and participation sports include Baseball, basketball, American football, and ice hockey, but Americans enjoy wide range of activities, including cycling, racket ball, soccer, swimming, tennis, golf, bowling, martial arts, and walking, jogging and aerobic exercise.
Socializing: People usually address one another by their first names once they are acquainted, and often do so in first meeting. Combining a title such as “Mrs.”, “Mr.”, and “Ms.”) with a family name shows respect. Holidays and Celebrations: Many Americans celebrate Easter with pomp. They go to church and have a get together with family and friends. Children often go on hunting Easter eggs.