Member Pain Can Come from Outer Sensual Play


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Presentation transcript:

Member Pain Can Come from Outer Sensual Play

Many boys long for the day when they can “become a man” – by which they typically mean the day when they can insert their manhood into a woman’s female organ. They experience what seems to be actual member pain from the sheer longing for the experience. Penetrative play is a big deal, of course, and rightly so, whether one is a randy teenager or a seasoned pro at the intimate arts. Still, actual penetration is not always required for a couple to have fun, which is why many teenagers enjoy outer sensual play – rubbing the organs together without penetration, often with both parties clothed. And many adults enjoy this form of coupling as well, often as a change-of- pace from their usual play. From a sensual and male organ health perspective, there are advantages to outer sensual play – such as a decreased risk of impregnation – but there are some disadvantages, such as a member pain that is different from that caused by unwanted abstinence.male organ health

Adults being teens? While outer sensual play is probably practiced more often among teens – there are no reliable statistics that can definitively prove it, of course – outer sensual play remains on the sensual menu as an option that many adults enjoy, at least occasionally. Sometimes it’s a matter of practicality. A couple may get overcome with desire for each other while in a semi-public place. Removing clothing or even just extracting the vital equipment from the pants would be too risky and they are simply unable to wait until they get someplace private, and so rub against each other until achieving release. At other times, they simply decide to incorporate some outer sensual play into their routine for a change of pace. Alone in the privacy of their own home, it’s less likely that they would remain clothed, but they may still opt for non-penetrative friction simply to add a little variety.

Not without consequences While outer sensual play is substantially safer than penetrative play, it’s not 100% safe. This is especially true when unclothed. Even without penetration, the rubbing together of the sensual organs can cause the spread of some social diseases, and though male seed may be dispensed outside the female organ, it is possible for some especially determined male seed to make their way inside. If both parties remain clothed, the chance of infection or pregnancy drops significantly – although again, there remains a slight chance, especially if the man’s seed soaks through his trousers.

Member pain More likely to occur is member pain, especially if the outer sensual play is practiced while clothed. With the tumescent organ rubbing and thrusting against the cloth of a guy’s underwear and/or the often- rough fabric of his trousers, there is a significant chance that the friction will cause the member to become quite raw and sore. Even if both parties are bare, the unlubricated skin-on-skin friction can cause some discomfort. It’s also probably more likely that a man engaged in bare outer sensual play may inadvertently thrust at an unfortunate angle, which can cause severe member pain. Still, if a man takes a little care and doesn’t overindulge in outer sensual play, it can be a pleasant experience – one which may take him back to his teenaged days and makes him grateful that he now has more sensual options available to him.

Member pain caused by too much friction and wear on the manhood, whether due to outer sensual play or some other reason, can be helped by daily use of a first rate male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The raw skin needs to be soothed and moisturized, and that requires a crème with a “double team” approach to moisturization: both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrating agent (like vitamin E). In addition, the skin will respond to the presence of a powerful antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid. This can fight the free radicals that cause oxidative stress and damage and weaken member skin, keeping it from restoring and rejuvenating to relieve soreness.male organ health crème