Male Organ Health and Sensual Tips for the Summer


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Health and Sensual Tips for the Summer

Summer is a time when many a man meets up with a new partner or finds time to explore new forms of intimacy with an existing one. Such being the case, what man doesn’t appreciate some good male organ health and sensual tips when the weather gets a bit on the warm side? With that in mind, we offer the following coupling tips for the remaining days of this summer – and for future summers to come.male organ health

Tips - Take advantage of the warm weather. Coupling outdoors in the winter is not usually at the top of everyone’s list (unless they live in a tropical paradise, of course) – so take advantage of summer weather to get frisky outside. Be sensible; don’t disrobe and become entangled on a busy street. But a backyard with a good privacy fence or in a field that is truly deserted can be an excellent place to become one with Nature while becoming one with that special person. - Sleep bare. A guy’s member can get very rank from summer sweat, so take advantage of the warmth to sleep in the buff – and encourage that special someone to do so as well. The lack of clothing makes spontaneous sensual activities just that much easier.

- But keep ice nearby. Sometimes even without clothes, the heat can become oppressive. Bringing up a bucket of ice can enable a couple to have fun cooling each other down before getting down to brass tacks. And sucking on an ice cube before indulging in oral sensual activity can take things to a whole different level. - Avoid pool coupling. Some movies make making out in the pool or hot tub seem intensely sensual. In reality, the heavily chlorinated water can dry out the skin, including that sensitive member skin. It also washes away natural lubrication, adding the wrong kind of friction to a couple’s encounter.

- Use that bikini top. Couples who are into role play, even in just a joking way, can enjoy using a bikini top as a way of tying a lover down. Or up. - Oil up. Refreshing body oils, scented with aromas that entice and intrigue, can be especially welcome on a hot summer night. For even greater effect, rub them in while a fan is gently blowing across the skin.

- Change locations. Coupling is fun no matter where it is – but sometimes having sensual activity in a totally new location makes it even better. Summer is ideal for travel, so occasionally pack things up and hit the road. Whether going on an overnight camping trip, a weekend-long excursion to a nearby town or a vacation out of the country, new sites can mean exciting new activities. For those who can’t get away, try coupling in a different room in the house – or even just in a new position. - Get handy. Sometimes, the summer heat is so oppressive that the thought of one body on top of another can be a bit of a turn-off. But that’s why we have hands. If penetration is out for the night due to the heat and the sweat, consider an evening of manual fondling and kissing instead.

Male organ health and coupling tips aren’t relegated just to the summer, of course, and one sensual tip for all seasons is this: Daily apply a superior male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to the manhood. The best option will provide a wide array of vitamins, such as vitamins A, B5, C, D and E. Topical application allows the vitamins to target the manhood more specifically. In addition, the crème should include alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that combats free radicals and the damage they can cause.male organ health crème