When to Call the Doctor about an Itchy Member


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Presentation transcript:

When to Call the Doctor about an Itchy Member

Every man knows how it feels to have an itchy member – and it’s not fun. However, in most cases an itchy member goes away quickly, and usually a man knows exactly what caused it. That’s why most itchy, red male organ situations aren’t cause for concern. But what is a man to do when he tried every manhood care trick in the arsenal but the itch doesn’t stop?manhood care When a man has tried everything from excellent hygiene to soothing crèmes and nothing seems to help, he could be dealing with a more serious issue that requires a visit to the doctor. Here’s what a man should be aware of when his itchy, red male organ persists no matter what.

1. Diabetes. Though it might seem strange that diabetes can cause an itchy member, it can be surprising how many issues stem from this medical condition. A man with diabetes might tend to urinate much more, and that leads to a bit more moisture around the midsection, which in turn leads to an overgrowth of bacteria. Besides that, a hallmark of diabetes is an overgrowth of yeast, leading to yeast infections. Though these are more common in women, a man with diabetes can develop them as well. An itchy member accompanied by a burning sensation, whitish discharge and even a strange odor are all signs that a man should go to the doctor for yeast infection treatment.

2. Socially shared diseases. It seems obvious, but it must be said: if a man is sensually active, he is at risk of contracting a disease from a partner. Some socially shared diseases present with a variety of mild symptoms, including a manhood itch that just won’t quit. Even if the itch doesn’t get worse, but simply persists at a typical level, it could be an indication of something picked up from an intimate encounter. In addition to the usual six-month checkup and testing for diseases, this itchy member situation should send a man running to the doctor, pronto.

3. Eczema or psoriasis. If a man has either of these conditions on other parts of the body, it’s entirely possible he has them on his manhood, too. But even a guy who has never suffered from them before can suddenly develop them on his most sensitive parts. The good news is that a doctor can usually diagnose this with a single glance, and can offer treatments that will either eliminate the itch or ease it tremendously. If the itchy member is accompanied by redness, especially red patches or areas that look like shiny plaque on the skin, it’s time to get checked out.

4. Contact dermatitis. Sometimes an itchy member is the result of simple allergies. A man might use a new cleanser, switch laundry detergents, or even have a reaction to a new partner’s perfume! In most cases the itch will go away quickly and once a man eliminates the cause, it won’t return. But if a guy can’t figure out what is causing the reaction or it keeps getting worse, it warrants a visit to the doctor.

Finally, a man should remember that a powerful manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is an especially potent way to alleviate an itchy member. A man should look for a crème that contains vitamin A, known for its bacteria-fighting properties, as well as vitamin E, which keeps skin hydrated and cuts down on itchy from dryness. A plethora of other nutrients wrapped up in a Shea butter base can be a boon to any man’s personal hygiene.manhood health crème