Healthy Bodies Physiotherapy VIC
Our Services Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Physiotherapy Exercise Physiology Remedial Massage Gym
Patients Resources Below is a list of useful resources we have put together to help you to understand valuable information relating to a number of different injuries and conditions. Early Injury management Adhesive capsulities (Frozon Sholder) Basic Exercise Prescription Protocols
Group Rehabilitation and Pilates Some patients require more supervision with rehabilitation or training to correct musculoskeletal conditions that have developed over time or as a result of a sporting injury. In this case, our GROUP REHABILITATION and PILATES classes are an effective solution. Our GROUP REHABILITATION and PILATES classes take a maximum of just 4 participants, so our physiotherapists can provide each participant with the individual attention they deserve.physiotherapists
Contacts US: Healthy Bodies Physiotherapy VIC Phone: Fax: