When a Tumescent Manhood is the Last Thing a Guy Wants


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Presentation transcript:

When a Tumescent Manhood is the Last Thing a Guy Wants

For most men, a tumescent manhood is a source of pride and something they want to show off. But when that tumescence happens during a job interview, lunch meeting with the boss or dinner with the in-laws, it’s definitely a member problem. When a guy has a tumescent manhood at the wrong time, he might try all sorts of tactics to get rid of it, and some of them run counter to his good intentions for proper male organ care. Fortunately, there are ways to hide his hardness until nature decides it’s time to deflate the member. male organ care 1. Never get abusive. Some guys will choose to pinch, squeeze or use other harsh methods to bring their tumescent manhood into submission. And though a sore male organ often deflates just as quickly as it became hard, it’s important to remember that this kind of panicky damage control can actually do even more damage than the tumescence ever could. Rather than resort to methods like this, a guy should think things through and find a different solution.

2. Camouflage like crazy. When things get hard, a guy should stay seated. Standing up and walking around will only draw attention to the bulge in his pants, but sitting down and crossing his legs will help hide the problem. He can also throw a jacket across his lap, or even hold a book in a very convenient position to hide what’s going on below. 3. Think bad thoughts. While a guy is sitting there, he should be thinking about things that are decidedly not going to turn him on any further. Thinking about paying his taxes, dealing with that awful project at work, or even facing a serious fear – such as a claustrophobic dude crawling through a tight pipe or a man with a fear of heights imagining a fall from a skyscraper – can almost immediately take care of the tumescent manhood problem.

4. Walk properly. If a man must walk around, he should do so with purpose. Simply march right out of the room after saying goodbyes and keep up a fast pace. This helps in two ways: First, it makes the body believe that no, there is not going to be any use for that tumescent manhood, and it can shut down the anticipation. And second, a quick walk will reroute blood flow to the muscles of the body that are now working harder, thus leading to less firmness. 5. Get it off. If things are truly out of hand, a man should take matters into his hand. If a tumescent manhood refuses to quit and a man is potentially going to embarrass himself horribly if it continues, he can simply excuse himself to the bathroom to rub one out, thus taking care of the problem. But keep in mind that by going at this fast and furious, and probably without lube, a guy runs the risk of irritation, redness and other member problems. It’s an option a guy should only resort to if the hardness is threatening to cause a real problem.

When the crisis has passed and the tumescent manhood is behaving properly again, a guy can breathe a big sigh of relief – and then set out to make up for any damage done if he did choose to fondle the problem away. He can do this with a powerful male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin), specially formulated to keep skin smooth, supple and irritation-free. A wealth of vitamins and nutrients applied directly to the male organ can help ensure the good ingredients get right to where they are supposed to be. Look for a crème that contains Shea butter and vitamin E for an extra-soothing experience.male organ health crème