Cat is running for its food (need) and mouse is running for life (purpose) ……………………..
We are living in a Uncertain, Changing environment and Continuously confronting with new challenges and problems.
We must find solutions to these challenges and problems if we need to survive, prosper, and perform effectively.
To motivate participants to survive, prosper, and perform effectively under changing circumstances.
Unfortunately, there is no single magical formula for motivation
An inner state that moves an organism toward the fulfillment of some goal.
By the need to satisfy physiological needs, People seek to maintain an optimum level of bodily arousal (not too little and not too much). People respond to external incentives such as money, grades in school, and recognition.
hunger and obesity, the effects of reward and punishment, and the needs for power, achievement, social acceptance, love, and self-esteem.
In 1954 American psychologist Abraham Maslow proposed that all people are motivated to fulfill a hierarchical pyramid of needs.
Many factors affect motivation interest in the subject matter, perception of its usefulness, general desire to achieve, self-confidence and self-esteem, as well as patience and persistence. And, of course, not everybody motivated by the same values, needs, desires, or wants. Some will be motivated by the approval of others, some by overcoming challenges.
To encourage someone to become self-motivated and independent, one can do the following: Give frequent, early, positive feedback that supports theirs' beliefs that they can do well. Ensure opportunities for their' success by assigning tasks that are neither too easy nor too difficult. Help them to find personal meaning and value in the given material. Create an atmosphere that is open and positive. Help them feel that they are valued members of a community.
Capitalize on one‘s existing needs Make them active participants in learning. Ask to analyze what makes him/her more or less "motivating."
Instructor's enthusiasm Relevance of the material Organization of the course Appropriate difficulty level of the material Active involvement of students Variety Rapport between teacher and students Use of appropriate, concrete, and understandable examples
Give feedback as quickly as possible. Reward success Introduce to the good work done by their peers. Be specific when giving negative feedback Avoid demeaning comments
Motivational Sills Team Building Behavioral Change
Purpose Challenge Companionship Responsibility Growth Leadership
Dr. Shoaib Ahmed Ph. D (Pak), Post Doctorate (UK) Educationist, Media Practitioner, Development Consultant E – mail: Face book: drshoaib ahmed Mobile: