Prepared by Sana Maqbool
Objectives After completing this lesson, the you will be able to… Understand about web authoring Name and explain the uses of basic HTML tags:, links (awareness), header sizes Gather text and graphic information about a topic Create a simple web page using a word processing program or a text editor Display the web page using a browser
Purpose of this Lesson You will be exposed to a lot of new information in this lesson. The actual purpose is to help you begin to recognize the structure of HTML. Do not try to memorize the information you see. You can always refer to an HTML reference list.
What is Website Authoring? Web authoring is a practice of creating or maintaining the websites using different programming languages like HTML, JAVA, Microsft ASP.NET
What is a Website ? Website is a collection of individual but related WebPages. Example of website:
What is HTML? HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language It is the set of instructions hidden behind every web page (i.e the source of the page)
History of HTML Hyper Text Markup Language is the main language for creating web pages. It was first created by Tims Berner-Lee in the year 1989 – He is now the director of the group that manages web standards. On August 6 th 1991 the Very ‘First Web Site’ was‘First Web Site’ Produced by Tim Berners-Lee.
HTML TAGS In HTML the tags tells the browser what to do HTML “tags” are contained within The letters inside the are the instructions (like for bold) and may be upper or lower case. Tags often come in pairs…one to begin a feature, and another to end it.
HTML Structure Each web page has a HEAD and a BODY. All web pages have required tags like these: {tells the browser that your using a HTML document} {begin the page} {some set up instructions are here like page title} {the main part of the page is here} {end the page}
HTML Structure The HEAD section often contains tags to display a page title. The title is displayed at the top of the window (not on the page). Here is an example: AIRLINES
HTML Structure The BODY section contains all the instructions for the actual page display. Inside the body section of a web page you will find tags that control text, images, lines, links, tables and other special functions. Remember that some, but not all, tags come in pairs.
My Airlines Webpage