Page 1 LysatesLysates in Creative BioMart — Creative BioMart
Page 2 Creative BioMart now offers the collection of lysates of different types which includes Over-expression lysate, membrane lysate, Tissue lysate, Cell line lysate and Stem cell lysate. We offer tissue and cell lysates which can be used to evaluate antibody quality and serve as an excellent positive control for electrophoresis, western blotting, immunoprecipitation, enzymatic activity analysis, protein- protein interaction analysis and tissue specific expression identification, and over-expression lysates to provide a cost-effective option as assay standards in Western blot. Our lysates are validated and are available in a variety of normal, tumor and disease characterized tissues.membrane lysateStem cell lysate
Page 3 The lysis of cells is a central sample treatment step for studies of intracellular processes, for example in the ‘‘-omic” sciences, with the major challenge to achieve high lysis efficiency while maintaining sample integrity. Depending on purpose and cell type, mechanical, physical, chemical, and/or biological methods have been used for cell disruption. For mammalian cells, relatively mild procedures are often used, including acoustic, optical, electromagnetic, mechanical, and chemical.
Page 4 lysis techniques Chemical lysis Optical lysis Mechanical lysis Acoustical lysis Electrical lysis
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