CWNA® - Certified Wireless Network Administrator CWNA-106 Exam Dumps
Exam Number: CWNA-106 Cost: $ (USD) - Exam Voucher Availability: Pearson Vue Testing Center Duration: 90 minutes Questions: 60 multiple choice / multiple answer Language: English CWNA Exam Summary:
Exam Information The CWNA certification is a foundational level wireless LAN certification for the CWNP Program. To earn a CWNA certification, you must take the CWNA exam at a Pearson Vue Testing Center and pass with a 70% or higher. Instructors must pass with a 80% or higher. However you choose to prepare for the CWNA exam, you should start with the exam objectives, which cover the full list of skills tested on the exam. The CWNA certification is valid for three (3) years. To recertify, pass one of the professional level certifications exams (CWSP,CWDP, CWAP) BEFORE your CWNA expires. By doing so, the CWNA will be renwed for another three (3) years. Or retake the current version of the CWNA exam.
Question No 1 Sample Questions As a station moves away from the access point to which it is associated, it changes its data rate from 600 Mbps to 540 Mbps and then to 450 Mbps. What IEEE term or phase is used to describe this functionality? Options A. Dynamic Rate Switching B. Multirate Control C. Modulation and Coding Selection D. Rate Set Selectivity Answer: A
Question No 2 What statement accurately describes the RF cables and connectors that are used in an WLAN system? Options A. 75 and 125 ohms are the typical impedances of WLAN connectors. B. Two RF connectors of the same type (e.g. SMA), manufactured by different companies, may vary in specifications. C. Some RF connectorsdo not cause insertion loss. D. Large diameter RF cables cause greater loss than small diameter cables. Answer: B
Question No 3 You are selecting antennas for a WLAN operating in the 5 GHz frequency band.What specifications should be evaluated for an antenna before it is implemented in this WLAN system? Options A ad compatibility B. TPC support C. Impedance in Ohms D. Return Loss Rating Answer: C
Question No 4 When a client moves to a new BSS within an ESS, whats tep is a part of the reassociation process? Options A. The client station transmits a Reassociation Request frame to its current access point. B. The current access point informs the IP gateway of the reassociation. C. The current access point triggers theclient’s reassociation service. D. The new access point transmits a Reassociation Response to the client station with a status value. Answer: D
Question No 5 When planning an access point deployment that utilizes Power over Ethernet (PoE) switches at the network edge, what design decision could adversely affect the operation of , Clause 33 APs? Options A. All ports on theEthernet switch will be supporting Class 3 PoE powered devices. B. Some APs are connected to a PoE switch and are also receiving power from an AC outlet. C. The Ethernet switch uplink ports are not connected to an , Clause 33- compliant core or distribution Ethernet switch. D. A gigabit Ethernet switch port supporting an a/g AP auto-negotiates to 100 Mbps. Answer: A
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