Oral Self-Engagement: Tumescent Member Fun for One


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Presentation transcript:

Oral Self-Engagement: Tumescent Member Fun for One

There’s no two ways about it: Men love to receive oral engagement. Being in a relationship in which oral stimulation is part of the mix of sensual options is a goal of most men. Sure, part of the reason is simply that any kind of tumescent member action is good for male organ care, but most guys like it because it’s a different kind of fun than penetrative coupling or self-stimulation. Most guys probably wouldn’t admit it, but it’s the rare dude who hasn’t thought about oral self-engagement – performing oral activity on oneself – and at least engaged in a little bending to see if such activity might be a possibility.male organ care Does that mean every man can experience this special form of sensual fun? No, and not every man would even want to. But for those with an interest, the following tips may come in handy.

- Be forewarned. First and most important, any man who attempts oral self-engagement should be aware that doing so requires that the body be stretched in a way that goes beyond what is considered “normal” – and therefore attempting it means a man runs the risk of injury. Potential oral self-engagers need to be able to push themselves but know when it is time to stop. - Limber up in advance. Since the practice requires bending the back and neck so that the mouth comes in contact with the manhood, the more limber a guy is, the better his chances for success. It pays to spend a few weeks doing exercises that gently help to stretch out the spine. Many yoga poses are designed to do this, so taking appropriate yoga classes may be one way to get the body in a more limber place.

- Prepare. When a guy decides he is ready to give a real old college try to orally self-engaging, he needs to take special steps to prepare himself before just jumping right in. For example, the body is going to be more receptive to bending and stretching in a warm room; cold causes muscles to contract. So he needs to be sure to set the temperature at a level that will make the room comfortably toasty. He also should drink plenty of fluids so that he’s not going to feel dehydrated – but he should stop fluids (and food) about 2 hours before commencing the attempt. Just before starting, take a nice, hot bath and do some simple, easy stretches while in the tub. (Be sure to dry off thoroughly.) Perform a few more stretches once out of the tub.

- Get ready. Although some men might be limber enough to be able to orally self-engage a flaccid male organ, most will find it much easier to do with a tumescent member. It pays to take some time to achieve arousal before getting started. - Choose a position. It appears that beginners are typically more successful if they lie on their back, lift their legs and torso up (often against a wall), and then flip the legs back behind their head. But some men report that standing and bending over is better for them, and others swear by sitting in a chair and bending over. - Be prepared for failure. It’s not uncommon for a guy to need to try several times before achieving success – and some never do. There’s no shame in not being able to orally self-engage.

Successful oral self-engagement requires more than a tumescent member – it requires a healthy one, as well, so that the experience is more pleasant. Men should regularly use a first rate male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) with vitamin D for this purpose. Vitamin D is the acclaimed “miracle vitamin” that provides important health benefits and promotes healthy cellular function. The crème should also contain vitamin A, the anti-bacterial properties of which can fight persistent manhood odor – something a guy’s nose will thank him for.male organ health crème