PECTIN Pectin is a type of water-soluble fiber found in a variety of fruits and vegetables. Commercially, it’s used to make jams and jellies because it turns into a sticky gel-like compound when combined with water. Pectin’s sticky properties also contribute to your health by attaching to cholesterol-rich bile within your intestines and carrying it out of your body. Citrus fruits and apples are particularly rich sources of pectin.
Apples are also an excellent source of pectin. In practical terms, apples are often a better source than citrus fruit because most people eat the apple skins, which is where a significant proportion of the pectin resides. In contrast, the vast majority of people remove and discard the pectin-rich peel from citrus fruit. The amount of pectin in apple pulp ranges widely, from 0.14 to 1.15 percent of weight. Variety, growing conditions and ripeness affect pectin content. 1.APPLES
Oranges are among the fruits highest in pectin, but grapefruits, lemons, peaches, apricots, bananas, blackberries, raspberries, passion fruit and apples are also high in this fiber. Other fruits, including dewberries, loganberries, grapes, cherries and strawberries, also provide small amounts of pectin. Melons are one of the fruits with lower amounts of pectin. 2.ORANGES
According to, carrots have the most pectin of all the vegetables. Carrots have 0.8 g of pectin per 100 g serving. Carrots are loaded with a wide variety of vitamins and the pectin they contain can help lower your cholesterol. 3.CARROTS
Peas contain 0.6 g of pectin per 100 g serving. They are low in fat and high in fiber. Peas also contain vitamin K that helps fight osteoporosis 4.PEAS
Potatoes have 0.3 g of pectin per 100 g serving. The University of Nebraska says potatoes contain the highest amount of soluble fiber you can find in vegetables. Pectin is one type of this soluble fiber. When eating potatoes for the pectin content, do not peel them. Most of the fiber found in potatoes are in the skin. 5.POTATO
One half a cup of cooked parsnips has 3 g of dietary fiber. Much of this dietary fiber is pectin. The University of Vermont says the pectin in parsnips can lower you LDL or "bad" cholesterol 6.PARSNIPS
The University of Nebraska recommends green beans as an excellent source of soluble fiber including pectin. Green beans contain 0.34 g of soluble fiber per 1 cup serving. The University of Nebraska recommends adding pectin rich foods at a slow pace. Too much fiber consumed too quickly can lead to digestive discomfort. It is a good idea to add one fiber-rich food to your diet each week. 7.GREEN BEANS