Male Organ Bumps Caused by Lichen Nitidus


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Presentation transcript:

Male Organ Bumps Caused by Lichen Nitidus

There are numerous things that can account for the presence of male organ bumps. Some of them can raise serious questions about sensual and male organ health, but others are relatively benign and not a significant cause for alarm. They may cause some itchiness or minor irritation, but benign bumps are usually more of a visual nuisance: A man wants to be able to proudly display his manhood, and the bumps may mar an otherwise spectacular member. This can be the case when lichen nitidus is the reason for those unwanted member bumps.male organ health

About lichen nitidus Many men are already familiar with another cause of male organ bumps, lichen planus. Lichen planus is characterized by itchy reddish lesions that are fairly large in size, especially when they cluster together. Lichen nitidus is kind of like the smaller cousin of lichen planus.

Lichen nitidus is a fairly rare skin condition, and while this article concerns itself with its presence on the manhood, it can be found on other parts of the body – most often the chest, stomach and arms. Unlike lichen planus, the lesions associated with lichen nitidus are quite small – usually 1-2 mm, so that they can in some cases appear like “pinpricks” on the skin. They also tend to be hypopigmented – that is, lacking in color or pigmentation. (In some very fair skinned people, however, they may still maintain a reddish hue.) Often the bumps appear in a line, and sometimes they cluster very close together, looking a little larger than they actually are. Most people who contract lichen nitidus do so early in life, as children or young adults. It is very rare in older adults.

Cause What causes lichen nitidus to show up? They are the result of an inflammation in or on the skin, but just what causes the inflammation is not really known. All that is known is that the body creates T lymphocytes (a kind of white blood cell) in response to a stimulus which brings about the inflammation and thus the lichen nitidus. Sometimes lichen nitidus shows up in connection with other disorders. Whether there is a direct causal link between these disorders and lichen nitidus is not really known at this time. One of these other disorders is lichen planus. Others include:

- Eczema, a skin disorder that presents with dry, itchy rashes; - Tuberculosis, a potentially dangerous infectious disease of the lungs; - Crohn’s disease, a digestive tract disorder which can be quite painful; - Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, a joint-based disorder. - Although lichen nitidus can be an annoyance, they rarely cause any symptoms other than an itchiness of the infected area.

Treatment The condition usually lasts for a few months and often goes away without treatment. When treatment is recommended, corticosteroids are typically employed. Sometimes phototherapy and antihistamines will be used. Often vitamin A is recommended as well. There are no complications typically associated with lichen nitidus. However, many men find the presence of these bumps embarrassing, and it can make them feel insecure of their sensual prowess.

Male organ bumps, whether due to lichen nitidus or not, often can cause so much scratching that delicate member skin is damaged. Regular use of a first rate male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. Male organ skin can be restored through proper moisturization, so choose a crème that includes a combination of moisturizers, such as Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (a natural hydrator). The skin will also be strengthened if the crème contains a potent antioxidant such as alpha lipoic acid, which fights damaging free radicals.male organ health crème