Raanya’s Journey Raanya’s journey of excellence started in 2011 when mother-daughter duo Shahin Pirani & Selina Pirani opened their first threading and henna saloon, bringing Indian art and beauty to Del Mar.
Raanya’s Services Eyebrow Threading Facial Threading Henna Tattoos Threading Parties
Eyebrow Threading Eyebrow threadingEyebrow threading is a common method of hair removal in India and Arab. A twined thread is used to pluck the hair. Non-Invasive Completely Safe No Redness or marks
Facial Threading Packages PackagesPrice Forehead, Upper Lip, Lower Lip, Chin, Nose $8 Sideburns, Neck (front), Cheeks $10 / $12 Neck (back)$12 Fingers/Toes$8 Extra Hair Growth$4
Henna Tattoos Beautiful, Exotic, Intricate Body Art made from dried henna leaves, water and eucalyptus
1150 A Camino Del Mar, Del Mar, CA Corner of 12th & Camino Del Mar Next to Matuse (858) 794-BROW (2769) Call for appointment!