Charitable institution “Not to be served, but to serve” words of Jesus
Content Stages of Service Life Cycle Example Service mix Example Diff between SLC and PLC
Definition What does Service Life Cycle Management (SLM) mean? Service life cycle management (SLM) refers to a strategy that supports service organizations and helps them recognize their gross income potential. This is done by examining the service opportunities proactively as a life cycle instead of a solitary event or set of discrete events. This helps to combine every service-based operation into a solitary, but complex, set of workflows and associated business processes. SLM is defined by industry analyst firm AMR Research.
Stages of Service Life Cycle Growth Stage Introductory Stage Decline Maturity Development SALESSALES T I M E
Development Stage ( ) 1. Founded in 1900 by an American missionary, Dr Ida S. ScudderDr Ida S. Scudder 2. As a young girl she witnessed famine, poverty and death, and vowed that she would never follow in her parents' footsteps and become a missionary. 3. The Scudder family returned to the US on furlough in acutely aware of the lack of medical services available to women and children in India 5.In 1890, she was called back to India to care for her ailing mother. It was at this time that Ida became acutely aware of the lack of medical services available to women and children in India 6. three women and their babies died one night
Introductory Stage ( ) New service or new form of current service is in the introductory stage when offered first time. New services faces few or no direct competitors Can be introduced on a small scale and expanded if acceptance grows the cost of research and development, consumer testing, and the marketing needed to launch the product can be very high Example Dr. Ida S. Scudder opened a single-bed dispensary in Vellore in 1900dispensary 1902, she built the 40-bed Mary Taber Schell Memorial Hospital for women, started training women as compounders in 1903 She began bringing "roadside dispensaries" to rural villages in when the average life expectancy of an Indian was 25 years started a training program for nurses in 1909 began training women physicians in 1918
Growth Stage ( ) Industry growing rapidly Firms seeing positive cash flow firms offering more service Example 1938 the government changed its policy declaring that medical degrees could be granted only by universities; in 1942 it began offering the MBBS course.MBBS In 1945, a laboratory technician training course was started In 1946 a College of Nursing, India's first, was startedCollege of Nursing In 1947, first batch of men medical students were admitted. in 1950 Medical Postgraduate Courses (MD and MS) were started.MDMS In 1969 Postgraduate degree courses in nursing were started
Maturity Stage ( ) Weaker firms will be shaken out of the industry. At this stage in service life cycle, consumers see very few distinguishable characteristics among the various firms in a service industry. Requires strong marketing program Example The Hospital has eleven sites and serves over 2000 inpatients and 8,000 outpatients daily, with 67 wards, 92 clinics each day and over 150 departments/units. [2] Each year 100 students are admitted for the undergraduate medical course MBBS. [20] The MBBS course is recognized by the Medical Council of India [2]MBBS [20]Medical Council of India 2000 Ida S. Scudder celebrated 100th anniversary Centre for Women and Children 2003 Vellore Bombay Artificial Limb Bioengineering department 2004 South Asian Cochrane Network 2005 Living donor liver transplant 2006 PG Diploma in Family Medicine (Distance education course) 2007 Centre for Stem Cell Research Successful ABO incompatible renal transplant (India’s first) 2010 Chittoor Hospital campus foundation stone laid now offers over 175 different post graduate courses in the medical, nursing and allied health disciplines, including PhD courses. A total of over 2,600 students are enrolled every year.PhD
Service mix
Total number of beds are 2,858. Total 95 wards including 15 ICUsICUs Staff Over 9,066 staff which includes 1,656 doctors ; 1,969 teaching & technical staff ; 2,646 nurses and 874 administrative staff Education More than 175 courses including MBBS, Nursing, Allied Health Sciences, many postgraduate medical specialties, distance learning courses and PhD programs Wards Operation theatres – 39 major operation theatres and 18 minor ones CHRIS CARD CHRIS CARD is a patient ID card used for all payments in CMC&H Vellore. One patient, One card.
Christian Medical College, Vellore Christian Medical College & Hospital, a medical college in Vellore, South India Christian Medical College Ludhiana, Punjab
Daily statistics 8,313 outpatients, 2,071 inpatients, 175 operations, and 54 births were registered daily in