Edwards Family Lawyers, Sydney, Australia based leading Divorce and Family Law Specialist provides the professional law services such as Negotiation, Resolution, Settlement, Litigation, including Parenting and Financial Matters. Visit:
Let’s meet Our Team 1. FRANCES EDWARDS Our founding Principal, Frances Edwards, holds a Bachelor of Economics and a Bachelor of Laws. Frances is one of most senior, experienced and respected Family Lawyer North Sydney. Family Lawyer North Sydney Frances has been a Law Society of NSW Accredited Family Law Specialist for over 20 years and is a member of the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia. Visit:
2. ALANA JACQUET Alana completed a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Social Science and has always had a keen interest in Family Law and has worked as a legal secretary/paralegal exclusively in Family Law since Alana working as a solicitor at Edwards Family Lawyers and specialist in to solve complex matters including complex financial matters, parenting and relocation, both in negotiated resolutions and court determined matters. 3. MANDY CHANG Mandy is a Senior Associate of Edward's Family Lawyers and has been with the Firm since its inception. Mandy practices exclusively in the area of Sydney family law. Prior to being admitted as a Solicitor, Mandy worked for 6 years as a legal secretary and paralegal with Frances in a specialist Family Law Firm in the Sydney CBD.Sydney family law Mandy is committed to assisting her clients reach agreement on all aspects of their Family Law dispute with an emphasis on negotiation. Visit:
Contact us Address: Suite 10-02, 65 Berry Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060 Telephone: Fax: Postal PO Box 126 North Sydney 2059 Edwards Family Lawyers can advise you on whether your relationship falls within the provisions of the Family Law Act. Contact us for a confidential discussion concerning these issues.