Advocacy for Children and Families Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Special Education
The importance of detecting possible exceptionalities - Disabilities, - Giftedness, - (Pre-K through Grade 3)
What is Early Intervention? Programs/services that promote stable child growth and development during the critical early years. Support low-income families and children, Types of E.I. Programs: Child-focused Centre-based Approach (Parent-focused) Home-based Approach Home & Centre-based Approach
-Special accommodations for appropriate intellectual provisions, -Rich, stimulating learning environment, -Motivate continual achievement, Gifted Children Children with Exceptionalities
Laws and Policies Provisions of Legislations for Children
P.L EAHCA Education for All Handicapped Children Reauthorized and Amended as IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Changed to IDEIA Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act
Public Law Part C of IDEA, Extension of EAHCA,* PL : Provision of special education in public schools for infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers with exceptionalities. Provision of funded Early Intervention Services: To meet the developmental needs of children. Early Intervention Services: Family Training, counseling, Speech pathology and audiology, Health and screening services, Pysical and psychological therapy, The Education of the Handicapped Amendments of 1986 *Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 1975 Individuals with Disabilities Improvement Act, 2004 Legislation that mandates all children with disabilities to obtain the right of free appropriate public education, (FAPE) For infants and toddlers (birth – 2yrs.) with disabilities, For children and youths (3yrs. – 21yrs.) with disabilities, with severe impairments having 1 or more of the 13 disabilities covered in IDEA Act. Provide funding for education and accomodations, IDEIA better provisions implemented in IEP (Individualized Education Plan): Meet a child’s individual needs, through individualized: Assessment and evaluation. Parents can actively get involved in educational decisions and related services affecting their child, infant or toddler with disabilities. &
FAPEIFSPIEELREIEP Provisions of Free Appropriate Public Education Individualized Educational Plan Least Restrictive Environment Individualized Educational Evaluation Individual Family Service Plan
Covered in IDEA Autism Deaf-Blindness Deafness Emotional-Disturbance Hearing Impairment Intellectual Disability Multiple Disabilities Orthopedic Impairment Other Impairments (ex: ADHD) Specific Learning Disability -Dyslexia, -Dyscalculia, -Dysgraphia, Speech or Language Impairment Traumatic Brain Injury Visual Impairment (Blindness)
ESSA Legislative reauthorizes ESEA NCLB becomes ESSA, 2004 with better provisions For student success Current Legislative
ESSA Every Student Succeeds Act, 2015 Federal Education Law, Replaces NCLB’s ONE-SIZE-FITS-ALL: Assurance of high quality ECE, Diverse measures of school success: Preparation of individuals with disabilities for academic achievement and functional performance.
Improving access to a diverse measure of School Success Prevention & Intervention Programs For children: Neglected, At Risk, Delinquent, Expand Functional Performance: Improving Access to Higher Academic Achievement Well-rounded and Supportive Education for Students: Investment on great Educators and Leaders: - Preparation Programs Improvement of basic programs Operated by state and local Educational Agencies Community Schools, College-ready pathway, Career-ready pathway,