How you can manage your symptoms Coughs and colds How you can manage your symptoms
Coughs and colds are very common Most people will have a cough and cold this autumn or winter. Adults get an average of two to four colds and two to five coughs per year. They are infections which are caused by viruses.
About coughs and colds They are rarely serious and usually get better by themselves. Coughs can affect your quality of life, they can be irritating and distressing to yourself and others. Complications of colds for example chest infections, pneumonia or ear infections are very rare.
Symptoms Cough Blocked nose Runny nose Sneezing Sore throat Mild temperature Headaches Aches and pains
Types of cough Dry and tickly and usually felt in the throat. Chesty and productive which produces phlegm. Acute coughs last less than three weeks and generally caused by viruses. Chronic coughs lasts eight weeks or more. Chronic coughs are common in smokers and can sometimes indicate a problem in the lungs. Chronic coughs could also be related to other health problems, a side effect of medication or from an environmental irritant.
What to expect Duration of symptoms For adults cold symptoms last about a week. For young children this can be up to two weeks. Symptoms are worse for the first two to three days. Coughs can last three to four weeks after your cold has gone. Cure for colds There is no cure for the common cold. Our bodies naturally fight the infection. Over-the-counter medicines can help relieve your symptoms. Catching a cold The virus is spread by coughing, sneezing or transferred by touch. If you have a cold, wash your hands often and use tissues.
What can I do to help? Get plenty of rest. Drink lots of fluids. Eat a healthy diet. Stop smoking. Use home remedies, for example drink lemon and honey mixed with warm water and steam inhalation.
How to treat coughs and colds Antibiotics will not cure coughs and colds, but over-the-counter medicines can relieve symptoms. Speak to a local pharmacist to get advice on the best treatment for your symptoms Take care, many cough, cold & flu remedies may contain paracetamol, which all count towards the maximum daily dose. Cough & cold remedies can cause drowsiness, if you feel drowsy do not drive. Cough & cold remedies are not suitable for children under 6 years old, speak to your local pharmacist for advice.
How to treat coughs and colds Paracetamol, ibuprofen or aspirin Cough mixtures (may contain paracetamol) Cold remedies (may contain paracetamol) Decongestants. Antibiotics will not cure coughs and colds, but over-the-counter medicines can relieve symptoms. Speak to a local pharmacist to get advice on the best treatment for your symptoms.
When should I see a GP? High temperature above 39˚C. Confusion or disorientation. Sharp chest pain or shoulder pain. Severe headache. Cough up blood in your phlegm. Difficulty in breathing. Weight loss for no apparent reason. A hoarse voice for longer than three weeks or that persists after a cough. Severe swelling in the neck and/or armpits. Symptoms/cough that last longer than three weeks.