Building Successful & Sustainable Dual Enrollment Partnerships


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Presentation transcript:

Building Successful & Sustainable Dual Enrollment Partnerships March 9, 2017 West Valley College Dr. Lauren A. Wintermeyer

Workshop Agenda Day 1 9:00 – 9:30 Introductions & Goal Setting 9:30 – 10:45 Overview of Dual Enrollment & AB 288 10:45 – 11:00 Break 11:00 - 12:00 Dual Enrollment Program Models 12:00 – 1:00 Lunch 1:00 – 2:15 Stakeholder Meetings 2:15 – 2:30 Wrap-up Session 2:30 – 4:00 WVC and GC Executive Meeting

Introductions & Session Expectations Please share your name, affiliation and interest in dual enrollment. What do you hope to gain from our time together? Do you have any specific questions about dual enrollment you want to be sure get answered? What would be an ideal outcome from today?

Dual Enrollment Overview

Dual Enrollment Time Line 1996 – SB292 Legislation made it possible for each institution to collect funding for DE courses—240 minute rule 2003 – Expose in Orange County Register on colleges collecting FTES for PE dual enrollment prompted a statewide audit of DE 2005 – Legal Opinion on DE released by the Chancellor’s Office. 2015 – Legal Opinion on DE released by the CO 2016 – AB 288 Toolkit (released 05.24.16) 2017 – Increased interest in and development of dual enrollment and CCAP agreements

AB 288

AB288—Issues & Questions Section 76004 added to Education Code: College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) Partnership Agreements between high school and community college districts. Two open Board meetings required: (1) present as information item, and (2) take comments from the public an approve or disapprove of the proposed agreement.

AB288—Issues & Questions College and Career Access Pathways (CCAP) Partnership Agreement parameters and certifications are set out in the legislation. No PE in a CCAP agreement. A community college district shall not enter into a CCAP partnership with a school district within the service area of another community college district, except where an agreement exists, or is established between those community college districts authorizing that CCAP partnership.

AB288—Issues & Questions Community college faculty teaching on high school campus should get live scan fingerprints to be filed with the high school district. Closed enrollment is permitted, but can’t offer a college class that is oversubscribed with a waitlist at the college campus.

AB288—Issues & Questions Does a community college instructor teaching at a high school campus need a high school teaching credential? Can the college and high school each college funding for the same course? What about the 288 language: “provided that no school district has received reimbursement for the same instructional activity.”

What’s Legal ~ What’s Not FAQs

What’s Legal ~ What’s Not: Questions & Concerns Can we offer DE courses at a high school campus during the regular school day? If so, how do we deal with the “closed campus” issue (if we don’t do AB288)? What about the requirement that college courses be open enrollment? Can high school teachers teach the DE courses?

What’s Legal ~ What’s Not: Questions & Concerns How do I work with my union(s) that are giving pushback? Can’t we just bus high school students to our college campus? How do we make sure the college rigor is there when high school classes have all levels of students? What about PE courses and Dual Enrollment?

How do I know that offering a college course on a high school campus during the school day is legal? Because Ed Code says it is. See the 2005 Legal Advisory from the Chancellor’s Office that is contained in the SBCC Dual Enrollment Policy Manual, page 124.

Can we offer DE courses at a high school campus during the school day? Yes. The high school student must complete at least 240 non-college instructional minutes at the high school in order for the high school to claim full ADA (Average Daily Attendance) for that student. This is about 4 periods. Ed Code does not specify WHEN the 240 minutes of non-college instruction is given. The college may claim FTES for the college section offered at the high school as long as the students do not take more than two college DE sections during the day.

If DE sections are offered on a high school campus, what about the “open campus” requirement? There must be a K12 District School Board Resolution (not MOU) stating that for the purposes of the Dual Enrollment courses offered at the high school, the campus is considered “open” to the general public. As a matter of practice, all non-high school students attending Dual Enrollment classes at our high school campuses must check in at the school office and leave the high school campus immediately following class.

What about the requirement that college courses be open enrollment? All Dual Enrollment courses taught at the high school campuses must be posted on the web course schedule at least 30 days prior to the first day of class. Additionally, all courses must be listed in the college Catalog. Keep a print out of the web schedule listing all DE courses taught at the high school campuses. For those that do not institute AB288, you must have open seating for 20 or more and monitor it closely prior to the first day of class. Usually, regular college students have enrolled not realizing the location, meeting 5 days a week, etc., and are fine with being moved to another section.

Can high school teachers teach Dual Enrollment courses? Yes. As long as the teacher meets the CA Community College Minimum Qualifications (MQs) for the specific course, AND has been approved by the related college department, they can be instructor of record. We required that all non-SBCC paid Dual Enrollment instructors (e.g., the high-school paid teachers teaching DE courses at their high school campuses) complete an SBCC application and have fingerprints and TB test on file in our HR office. The auditors spot check this.

How do I work with my union(s) if they are giving pushback? Before starting a Dual Enrollment Program at the high school campuses, we recommend that you have a conversation with the union groups to explain that (a) your program will strive to use high school-paid teachers who meet the college MQs, so jobs won’t be lost to community college faculty, and (b) for the college union—explain that the program will not displace any current full or part-time college faculty as it is new and anticipates primarily working with the existing high school teachers who qualify. For college departments that are worried that their on-campus enrollments will be “cannibalized” by having sections at the high schools, tell them that in our experience quite the opposite has occurred—high school students matriculating to the community college are more likely to enroll in subsequent courses in the department.

For our CCPT grant—Can’t we just bus students to our campus? Yes. With funds that is doable. The problem you will encounter is with your sustainability plan. Not all high school students have cars, and the public transportation system may not be adequate. Down the road, you might have trouble “making” a class with the sufficient numbers of students.

How do we make sure the college rigor is there? When college classes are taught at the high school campus, it is imperative that the college department be very involved in following through with working with the high school-paid teacher in following the course outline and syllabus, giving the college exams, etc. It could be that the college department assigns an instructor liaison to work with the high schools (a great use of grant funds when getting a program started). The onus is on the college department to ensure rigor. It is important to realize, however, that the high school class is made up of a variety of learners and the 5-day a week schedule could allow for extra instruction that will help.

What about PE courses and Dual Enrollment? Ed Code is specific about college credit for PE courses. See Section 76002 (a) (4). Santa Barbara City College doesn’t give Dual Enrollment for any PE courses. See the SBCC Dual Enrollment Policy Manual. No PE courses allowed in AB288

Outcome Data

What Does the Data Say? Former dual enrollment students* who matriculated to SBCC: Were more likely to enroll full-time in college (67% compared to 54%) Required less remediation and placed at the college transfer level course at a higher rate than their direct entry peers (Math: 26.4% compared to 18%; Reading: 25.9% compared to 9.9%; Writing: 34.8% compared to 14.6%) Note: Former Dual Enrollment students who participated in courses at both their high school and on the college campus scored at the college level at the highest rate: Math: 43%, Reading: 36%, and Writing: 50% Earned a higher average cumulative GPA (after three academic years , 2.47 vs. 2.02) Earned more transferable college units (after three years, 43 vs. 29) *Note: Sample was comprised of 764 first-time college students who graduated from a local service-area high school in spring 2008 and matriculated to SBCC in fall 2008

What Does the Data Say? 10% of high school students are taking college courses (over 4 million in 2010-2011) Majority of enrollments nationwide are through concurrent enrollment model (on high school campus) 30% of dual enrollments are in Career and Technical Education Courses National studies (see NACEP website for links) agree that students who participate in Concurrent/Dual Enrollment: Enroll in post-secondary education at a higher rate Are more likely to persist into second year of postsecondary education Complete college at a higher rate than their non CE/DE participating peers

What Does the Data Say? CCRC Reports: 2020 Vision Article: CE students more likely to graduate, enroll in college and persist CE students less likely to need remediation CE students earn more college credits 2020 Vision Article: Model components for CE programs


DE/CE Program Models

Sample DE Program Model College courses offered on the high school campus throughout the regular school day Courses offered at the request of the high school and approval of college department Most courses are taught by high school faculty who meet the “minimum qualifications” to be adjunct college faculty Students are concurrently enrolled in high school and college – they receive credit/grade on both transcripts

Sample DE Program Model Students may also come to the college campus after high school day and/or take courses online Program is built on intersegmental relationships and is designed to be a “win” for all stakeholders: Students take courses for free (Parents love this!) High school collects apportionment for 240 min. of “high school only coursework”, and in some iterations, receives extra funding from college College collects FTES apportionment – can bring in significant funds to college Faculty alignment strengthens academic pipeline and fosters professional development. Some models stipend instructors as well.

Program Processes & Documents

Considerations What are the barriers to program development and/or expansion? What would improve program quality and thus reputation? What types of policy change and/or reform would increase equity within and access to Dual Enrollment programs?

Building a true Career Pathway using Dual Enrollment If there is a strained relationship between college and high school decision-makers and/or faculty, the first step is to repair that relationship—remember—food works! Plan cohesively—remember the Perkins pathways— intro courses, concentrator courses, & a capstone course. Explore having concentrator or capstone courses earn college credit (similar to the intro college course that many Tech Prep agreements reference).

Three Key Principles when creating a DE Program Keep a “customer” focus. Each educational system operates differently, and we need to remember that in our interactions. It’s all about relationship building!!! Do your planning and relationship building up front. Find the champions!

Dual Enrollment Process Course request forms – every semester, every course Articulation Meetings Instructor approval process and evaluations Instructor Workshops and MOU for stipends Course grids and scheduling FTE and ADA apportionment (240 minute rule)

Processes to Consider Scheduling classes – Banner, web schedule, etc. Student Enrollment – online, in-person, paper, combination? Program Administration: Who will do the work required to get students enrolled? Who will manage program logistics, schedule meetings, monitor data? What is your timeline to launch program?

Processes to Consider Course request forms – every semester, every course Articulation Meetings Instructor approval process and evaluations Instructor Workshops and MOU for stipends Course grids and scheduling FTE and ADA apportionment (240 minute rule)

Creating the Foundation for Your Dual Enrollment Program: MOUs and Board Approvals

Where Do You Start? Call Meetings of top-level administrators and decision-makers College President, Vice President, Union President, Academic Senate President K-12 District Superintendent, Principals, Assistant Principals, Union President/Lead Representative Engage K-12 School Board and C.C. Board of Trustees AB 288 has specific requirements for the way in which Boards must agree upon Dual Enrollment Partnerships Recommendation: Regardless of program model (CCAP or Traditional DE), be sure to have all agreements formalized, reviewed by legal council for your schools and Board Approved

Strategies for Effective Communication Be genuine and set out your goals clearly. Build relationships at all levels—decision-makers, faculty, counselors. Meet consistently. Don’t leave one group out of the loop. Respect each system’s requirements—(e.g., College departments are the ultimate “deciders” about putting a college course on the high school campus. High schools must operate within their own logistical systems for college classes taught during the school day). If there is something (or someone) stopping forward motion, regroup and deal with the issue.

Exceptional Collegiality is in the Details Everything counts Never stop learning about each other Seek the expertise of your colleagues Research relevant Ed Code (from both perspectives) Think of what you do as being a true Team In the long run, everyone wins—especially our students!

What Are the Concerns? Course Alignment: Student Preparedness: Lack of identical rigor to courses taught on college campus (eg. “watered down”) Faculty qualifications Access to campus resources Student Preparedness: Permanent college transcript Financial Aid Eligibility Maturity Funding: Apportionment collection Student fees Textbooks Instructors

Hiring & Training DE Instructors

Hiring Instructors Will courses be taught by existing and/or new college faculty? Will courses be taught by high school faculty who meet the Minimum Qualifications set forth by the Chancellor’s Office? Who will be responsible for guiding instructors though any necessary HR process? When courses are scheduled, do they need to be coded differently (eg. “no-pay” instructor)?

Training Instructors How will you bring DE instructors into the fold of the partnership? Will there discipline-specific professional development opportunities? What opportunities will you develop to train DE instructors to complete college processes (eg. grading, reporting SLOs, positive attendance reporting, etc.) Are you going to outline expectations, require an Instructor MOU and/or provide a stipend?


Sample Documents To Be Developed

Where Should You Start? MOUs: Forms: Marketing: Miscellaneous To establish DE partnership For CCAP agreements Instructor-based Forms: Course Request Form Application and/or online application instructions Dual Enrollment Approval Form Prerequisite Clearance Form Marketing: How will students and parents know about the opportunity? How will teachers/schools/programs be recruited? What are the incentives for all stakeholders? Miscellaneous Program guidelines/Policy Manual Grid for tracking courses Established planning calendar Meeting agendas (eg. Annual/bi-annual articulation meetings) Data reports

MOU & Agreement Templates & Resources AB 288 Toolkit: SBCC Dual Enrollment Policy Manual: Refer to template provided for sample CCAP Partnership Agreement developed by Dr. Diane Hollems Consult with other districts to get additional samples you might wish to adapt and/or review Ed Code and create your own

Action Plan – 90 Days: Identify your Visionaries: With whom do you or will you collaborate? WHO ARE YOUR CHAMPIONS? What is the next step? Articulate your Goals: What do you hope to accomplish? How do your goals align with K-12? How do your goals align with the Postsecondary Institution? Gather Resources: What professional development needs do you have? What materials/information/resources do you want/need? How can we help???

Q & A Wrap Up Any questions/concerns? What do you think your next steps will be? Feedback? Action plans & PD requests

Dr. Lauren A. Wintermeyer Thank you!!!! Resources: National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships: SBCC Dual Enrollment Website: Columbia University Teachers College: Community College Research Center: Middle College National Consortium: Jobs for the Future, Early College Designs: Contact information: Dr. Lauren A. Wintermeyer (925) 324-5247