District Attorney’s Office WHO WE ARE Elder Financial Safety Center Components The Senior Source PREVENTION Probate Courts PROTECTION District Attorney’s Office PROSECUTION Play video here The Elder Financial Safety Center is a unique, first of its kind Center designed to address all aspects of an older adult’s financial security.
THE NEED 78% of all senior households are financially vulnerable and do not have sustainable economic security. Institute on Assets and Social Policy, Brandeis University, 2015
True Link Report on Elder Financial Abuse 2015 THE NEED $36 BILLION True Link Report on Elder Financial Abuse 2015
Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation “GATEWAY ISSUE” Financial Safety is the “gateway” issue to public safety for older adults Property Crime Housing Transportation Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation Health Neighborhood Safety Financial Safety
RESPONDING TO THE NEED: PROTECTION Protection Services Of last resort, a Guardianship is a legal process designed to protect vulnerable persons from abuse, neglect and exploitation Guardianship Investigation & Placement Annual Monitoring for All Wards Ensure Quality Care Education Removal of Unfit Guardians Reduce Abuse
2016 Outcomes Protection Component Outcomes as of December 2016: PROTECTION OUTCOMES 2016 Outcomes Protection Component Outcomes as of December 2016: 100% of elderly wards will receive an annual monitoring visit, and action to protect them will be undertaken when indicated from the monitoring visit. 80% of wards received an annual monitoring visit in 2016 compared to 38% in 2014. One guardian was removed after a monitoring visit due to negligent care in 2016 compared to six in 2014. Probate Court protection services helped wards safeguard $12,424,176 in total assets this year (no data for 2014). 100% of incapacitated individuals in Dallas County over the age of 50 who need a guardian will have one. 100% of wards needing a guardian or successor guardian received one.
Prosecution Services Law Enforcement Training RESPONDING TO THE NEED: PROTECTION Prosecution Services To see that justice is done by protecting the innocent without respect to race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or socio-economic status, and maintain the highest level of honesty, integrity, and transparency while being accountable to the community. Criminal Investigation Law Enforcement Training Support for Victims Education Prosecution Attain Justice
2016 Outcomes Prosecution Component Outcomes as of December 2016: PROSECUTION OUTCOMES 2016 Outcomes Prosecution Component Outcomes as of December 2016: 25% increase will be seen in the number of indictments involving elder financial abuse. 100% increase was seen in the number of indictments in 2016 compared to 18% in 2014. 50% increase will be seen in the number of first-and second-degree felonies referred to the District Attorney that have been investigated by law enforcement. More than 100% increase was seen in the number of first-and-second-degree felonies that were investigated by law enforcement (same for 2014).
2016 Outcomes Prosecution Component Outcomes as of December 2016: PROSECUTION OUTCOMES 2016 Outcomes Prosecution Component Outcomes as of December 2016: 100% of all seniors involved in the prosecution services will be referred to EFSC when appropriate for assessment and intervention. 100% of all seniors involved were referred for assessment and intervention when appropriate (same for 2014). 50% increase will be seen in the number of elder financial abuse complaints investigated by the District Attorney’s Office. The amount of complaints investigated involving elder financial abuse doubled in 2016.
The Current Client Who we Serve Older Adults: CLIENT PROFILE: PREVENTION The Current Client Who we Serve Older Adults: Age 50 and over Dallas County Residents Financial Need All income levels Diverse Backgrounds No Charge for Services Primary Demographic Today: 70% women ages 65-69 Most widowed or divorced All income levels African American & Anglo Retired or Disabled
Financial Counseling & Coaching RESPONDING TO THE NEED: PREVENTION Prevention Services An in-depth, unbiased financial review helps us understand a client's individual situation determining which combination of services is appropriate. Financial Counseling & Coaching Insurance Counseling Employment Benefits Review Money Management 1-on-1 Frauds & Scams Advocacy
PREVENTION OUTCOMES 2016 Outcomes 50% of Prevention clients will have a financial impact and, collectively, that financial impact will exceed $6.0M annually. 40% of clients achieved a financial savings averaging $2,422 in 2016 compared to less than 10% in 2014. Prevention services helped clients from losing or saved clients $8,379,753 this year in total versus $1,616,741.13 in 2014.
Why We are Different FIRST OF ITS KIND First of its kind in the nation Multidisciplinary team Results-driven service delivery system Best practices & model development External Monitoring
Personal & Financial Security First for Clients MAKING AN IMPACT Personal & Financial Security First for Clients “Without security of person and property, the other desired objectives are of no consequence.” W.W. Caruth, Jr. Photo credit: Communities Foundation of Texas Website
Shared Database, Referral Tracking & Coordinated Services REPLICATION Model 1 – Full Funding Commitment to Adults 50+ Lead Agency Fiscal Responsibility Social Service Organization County Commitment Memorandum of Understanding Active Participation County Probate Courts County District Attorney’s Office Key Partners to Service Delivery Community Partners Monitor Overall Project Ongoing/Active Participation External Evaluator Three Probate Courts Fulltime Court Investigator Master-Level Social Work Interns - Court Visitor Worksheet Addendum Debt Management, Bankruptcy, Housing Counseling and more through Transformance - Onsite Twice a Month at Social Service Agency Adult Protective Services (APS) - Assessment - Financial Coaching - Insurance Counseling - Benefits Assistance - 1-on-1 Scam Advocacy - Money Management - Employment Services - Financial Education - Community Training New Unit at DA’s Office Three ADA’s Fulltime Criminal Investigator - Law Enforcement Training on Financial Crime & Reporting Monitors all Center Activities & Provides Guidance Hosts Client Focus Groups Bi-Annually Submits Annual Report to Grantor Grant Funded Grant Funded Grant Funded Shared Database, Referral Tracking & Coordinated Services
Mutual Understanding & Coordinated Service Efforts REPLICATION Model 2 – Minimal or No Funding Social Service Organization Commitment to Adults 50+ Project Manager Monitor & Evaluate Fiscal Responsibility (if applicable) County Probate Courts County Commitment Partnership Agreement Monthly Support County District Attorney’s Office Community Partners Key Partners to Service Delivery Santa Fe County Probate Court - Probate Court - Staff Dedicated to Coordinating Services Master-Level Social Work Interns Other Agency Support - Financial Organizations Consumer Agencies Adult Protective Services (APS) Local College Expertise/Resources Better Business Bureau - New Mexico Agency on Aging Add: financial workshops: i.e. - ID Theft, free to download at FTC.gov or Money Smart for Older Adults at FDIC/CFPB First Judicial District Attorney Criminal Division Law Enforcement Support – Police Dept. - Staff Dedicated to Coordinating Services Mutual Understanding & Coordinated Service Efforts
Referral Flow & Coordinated Services REPLICATION Model 3 – Minimal or No Funding Social Service Organization Commitment to Adults 50+ Project Manager Monitor & Evaluate Fiscal Responsibility (if applicable) County District Attorney’s Office County Commitment Memorandum of Understanding Active Participation Community Partners Key Partners to Service Delivery Partnership Agreement 1-on-1 Scam Advocacy - Financial Literacy Education: Money Smart for Older Adults - Community Training Law Enforcement Partner: Police/Sheriff/Head Law Enforcement Agency - Staff Dedicated to Coordinating Services Adult Protective Services (APS) Legal Referral Services Consumer Agencies Local Businesses Banking Community Referral Flow & Coordinated Services
Develop a Center Brainstorm REPLICATION Develop a Center Brainstorm What additional services are needed? What services already exist?
Who are the potential collaborators or partners? REPLICATION Develop a Center Brainstorm Who are the potential collaborators or partners?
Develop a Center Brainstorm REPLICATION Develop a Center Brainstorm What are the funding opportunities?
Elder Financial Safety Center is an Adaptable Model REPLICATION Elder Financial Safety Center is an Adaptable Model Working Families Success Model Three Core Services We cultivate partnerships with employers increasing awareness of the benefits of hiring mature workers, and develop job leads updated in real time in a database accessible from anywhere with a password. We offer skills assessment, computer training, and specialized programming for distinct populations within the client base we serve. We host workshops, networking events, job fairs, hiring fairs and more for our clients ensuring opportunity to succeed. We have a dedicated benefits specialist who screens, assists and follows up with clients at their time of renewal ensuring there is not a disruption to their benefits support. We partner with nonprofits and corporations to provide one-time and short-term financial assistance while working toward longer term financial security. We have more than 50 years of resource knowledge shared with clients for housing, food and other needs. We provide unbiased, professional coaching and counseling on diverse financial topics, frauds, scams and exploitation with a goal to increase assets and decrease liabilities. We partner with industry experts filling gaps in service including debt management and legal support. We facilitate best-practice group education in the community and onsite. We use and create best- practice tools as leaders in the aging industry.
REPLICATION Develop a Center Brainstorm First Steps?
Our Collaborative Impact As of December 2016: Served 11,400 clients and victims Educated more than 16,500 clients, caregivers, professionals and the community Made a financial impact and created savings of more than $62 million dollars
CONTACT INFORMATION Question & Answer If your question did not get answered today during our session, email efsc@theseniorsource.org or The Honorable Brenda Hull Thompson, J.D. Probate Judge Dallas County Probate Courts 214.653.7236 Brenda.Thompson@dallascounty.org Stephanie Martin, J.D. Assistant District Attorney – Elder Abuse Dallas County District Attorney’s Office 214.653.3857 Stephanie.Martin@dallascounty.org Julie Krawczyk, MAM Director, Elder Financial Safety Center The Senior Source 214.525.6157 jkrawczyk@theseniorsource.org