Welcome to Schools for Peace!
a new partnership between schools in BiH, Serbia and the UK
puts peace-making at the heart of school life
understanding conflict learning peace-making
Coventry Cathedral is at the centre of the partnership.
Different kinds of schools are welcome as equals. 30 to 40 schools by the end of 2018?
the partnership agreement ‘We, our school, agree to….’ ‘We, the Cathedral, agree to….’
learning resources to share lesson plans
How does conflict start? Peace can look like this! What is my story? How does conflict start? Learn to listen, be open. Who can change things? Be a peace-maker. Peace can look like this!
sharing resources through the Why say ‘sorry’ ? sharing resources through the Sana website www.sanauk.org Be a bridge-builder!
The peace patchwork will travel to Coventry.
other activities music drama story-telling our village today our city yesterday
SANA is here to help new schools into the partnership.
Would you like to know more? Come and talk to us!