YOU! WELCOME to M.S.G.A.! We are here to help Gateway to Excellence “Be Ready, Respectful, and Responsible!” Principal –Mr. Lawson Presented to All M.S.G.A. Students/Teams 8/17/2015
Today’s Purpose Discuss Respect, Responsibility & Ready theme Review school-wide procedures and expectations Describe avenues to seek help Answer questions you may have
A unique year What’s the difference between MSGA and traditional middle schools? One grade level Protected year Individualized education Gateway to Excellence Where dreams begin… Start exploring interests through clubs & electives Reinvent yourself… Don’t focus on where you’ve been, focus on where you are going. Make good first impressions
We believe in YOU! Leaders of Tomorrow
Blue Devil Expectations Respect is treating others with the same courtesy and consideration we would want for ourselves. Respectful Blue Devils care about themselves, their school, and others. Ready is being on time, bringing all of your materials, going directly to class, and thinking about what comes next. RESPECT READY RESPONSIBLITY Ready Blue Devils are prepared, timely, and organized. Responsibility is being dependable, trustworthy, reliable, and accountable for one's actions. Responsible Blue Devils are prepared, timely, and organized.
Uniform Policy – Show School Pride! MSGA students follow a unified dress code (refer to agenda). Same dress code as Marietta Middle School Students show their individuality through their character (respect & responsibility). Friday is Spirit Day!
Hallway Procedures Walk on the right. Keep walking without stopping unless you are visiting your locker. You may not congregate in the restrooms. Watch carefully where you are going and avoid placing your hands on other students. If someone accidentally bumps into you, say “I’m sorry” or “Excuse me.”
Cafeteria Procedures Walk to the cafeteria without talking in the halls (unless a class change is occurring). Once you enter, you will either be directed to your assigned table or to a lunch line. Stand in line quietly. Once you have your lunch, you may also go to the snack bar. Once you finish eating, throw your tray away and return to your seat until dismissed.
Classroom Expectations Follow the rules and procedures of each classroom. Respect your teachers and your classmates. Take responsibility for your work and your actions. Be ready for learning every period every day. This means being prepared with all project and homework assignments, and classroom materials.
Bus Expectations Sit down and face forward. Keep all hands, arms, legs to yourself. Do not throw anything outside the window. Remember respect and responsibility! As the bus partnership agreement states, riding the bus is a free privilege. If you can’t follow directions discipline will occur and you may lose your bus privileges.
MSGA is a No Bullying Zone MCS Parent Information Guide (page 35) No student shall bully another student or students. Repeated offenses will result in a placement in an alternative setting. What is bullying? Physical bullying, such as hitting or punching Verbal bullying, such as teasing or name-calling Nonverbal or emotional bullying, such as intimidating someone through gestures or social exclusion Spreading rumors Cyber bullying (text messaging, Facebook, emails, Instagram) Stay on Track!
BYOT Bring Your Own Technology 1st form must be signed by parent and student and returned to Advisement Teacher All electronics must be off and not visible throughout the school day Can’t use in hallway, restrooms, lunch, etc. Can ONLY be used when a teacher gives permission and under their supervision
PBIS Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Rewards students who are following the rules and living up to the expectations of MSGA. All adults are watching you at all times and expect you to be ready, respectful and responsible. You are responsible for keeping track of your PBIS card.
MSGA School Agenda Loaded with great information Must bring to school EACH day Homework assignments should be recorded for every core subject
We expect you to FOLLOW-THROUGH! Now you know what to do! We expect you to FOLLOW-THROUGH! Failure to follow-through (meet expectations) will result in disciplinary action.
Combining Learning with Fun
Recognizing your Successes Privilege-based system Team Town Hall Meetings Fieldtrips Before/After school activities Blue Devils of the Month
Together we are going to have a great school year! Seeking Help? Advisement Teacher! Guidance Counselors Mrs. Campbell: teams 6-1 thru 6-6 Mrs. Tuttle: team 6-5 Student Support Services Mrs. Edwards: School Improvement Specialist/MYP Coordinator Administration Mr. Lawson: Principal Ms. White: Assistant Principal Together we are going to have a great school year!
Questions & Answers