What is FCS doing well? Being on the forefront of innovation High expectations for all with support STEM (Farm to Table) Community Partnerships/ Involvement––Seimens, Automation Direct Developing hot spots/ outreach provide equity & access Highly qualified & exceptional teachers Vision & Autonomy Schools have flexibility to provide needed resources–school autonomy Non-Traditional choices – Forsyth Academy; Forsyth Virtual Tons of technology/ up-to-date curriculum Quality of staff & facilities
Online survey results of what FCS is doing well
What does FCS need to improve upon? Assess vertical alignment of literacy instruction Writing strategies K-12 Personalized learning-expanding Social/ emotional health plan to keep up with academic acceleration/advancement Diversity training & cultural awareness to ensure all cultures & socioeconomic levels feel included & valued Redistricting new buildings/ construction (continued growth) Staff diversity Vocational programs- more at varied locations Provide accessible organized, coherent instructional materials, textbooks County wide playing field- Technology available in school and lack of technology for poor students Equity (PTA, Booster)
Online survey of what FCS needs to improve upon
What is FCS currently not doing that should be initiated? Life application skills (Home Economics & Financial Planning) Educate parents about programs such as automotive, cosmetology etc. > introduce in middle schools Suicide prevention Bring back social/ emotional learning by counselors at all levels Make community aware and knowledgeable of programs (without judgment) Mentoring – recruitment of families & business leaders Receptionist who speaks majority language (Spanish etc.) Actively recruit diverse staff members Need a fine arts academy & language academy Bring back foreign language instruction in elementary schools All schools need furniture & spaces to match instructional programs/ collaboration Partner with community groups to provide transportation for parents to attend meetings/ conferences Tap more into partners in education for help with technology access with the internet and devices
Do you believe the traits and attributes in FCS’ Learner Profile prepare students to be college and career ready? The majority answered yes. The following are suggestions for improvement: Can we create a kid friendly version that is understandable to our younger learners? Personal Qualities: Coping & resilience and advocating for others needs more emphasis; “Live to Give” 7 mindsets Interact effectively, communicate for themselves, not through parents Build self-motivated learners Provide emphasis on life balancing skills More organizational and time management skills are needed
FCS beliefs put into daily practice:
Agreement as to what FCS provides