Model Portfolio Platform Service (For Professional Advisers only)
Portfolio solutions well managed Accessible : risk-graded : trusted research Ascentric, Aviva, Novia, Transact, Standard Life and Brown Shipley 12 collective portfolios, actively managed Active and Passive solutions 7 year performance of Active Model Portfolios 1 to 10 (Launched 1 June 2010) 6 year performance of Model Portfolios Income 1 and Income 2 (Launched 11 July 2011) Active Tariff – 0.30% excluding VAT* 2 year performance of Passive Model Portfolios (Launched March 2015) Passive Tariff – 0.25% excluding VAT* Maintained by Brown Shipley’s Research & Asset Management Department Brown Shipley AIM Model Portfolio was launched on Ascentric on 1st March 2016 The Tariff is 1.25% + VAT *Any fees or charges payable to Ascentic, Aviva, Novia, Transact, Standard Life or those which the adviser makes to the client, are in addition to the Brown Shipley tariff. Defaqto The Brown Shipley Platform Model Portfolio Service has a Defaqto 5 Star Rating. Defaqto is an independent researcher of financial products, focused on providing intelligence to support better decision making. Learn more about Defaqto Star Ratings by visiting
Portfolio solutions well managed Accessible : risk-graded : trusted research Intermediary benefits:- Effective and efficient matching of investment portfolio to risk and reward objectives of your clients Risk graded by “Dynamic Planner” from Distribution Technology Access to online client valuations through secure website Versatile – amendable portfolios as circumstances change Clear and transparent charges Why Brown Shipley….? Distribution Technology is a leading provider of financial planning & front office wealth management technology. DT has reviewed and profiled a range of investment portfolios offered by Brown Shipley within the risk profiles used on the DT Dynamic Planner® platform. The main objective of the DT risk profiles and fund risk profiling service is to provide financial advisers and their clients with a meaningful measure of the long-term investment risk of fund strategies and a mechanism for selecting funds appropriate for investor risk appetites and capacity for risk.
Why Brown Shipley? Competitive fee rate Full range of risk-adjusted investment models Dedicated Income portfolios Managed by experienced investment personnel who understand markets Wider group purchasing power to reduce fund AMCs Active whole of market asset allocation and fund selection. Competitive performance Building the picture of Brown Shipley You talk and we listen
Facts and Figures Established in 1810 Top UK 40 firm by Assets under Management Assets under management over £5.6bn* Over 316* personnel across 6 offices, with c70 client advisors Clients throughout the UK Expertise accessible throughout the UK Work directly with private clients, intermediaries, charities, trusts, companies Secure parentage – member of the KBL European Private Bankers * (as at 30/06/2017) Notts being added
Investment management Full service tailored to your clients financial needs Rigorous investment process Discretionary or Advisory solutions Strategic and tactical asset allocation Tax solutions [wrappers] Structured products Alternative assets Collectives and Brown Shipley Funds AIM portfolios Bespoke strategy or packaged solution TAILORED
Investment Governance and Structure In-house specialists, ensuring consistency of approach Specialists contribute to different areas of expertise Collectives research – qualitative and quantitative
Brown Shipley Model Portfolio Performance over 5 years to 31 August 2017 The objective of this portfolio is to achieve a steady rate of capital growth, combined with low risk and low volatility aimed at preserving capital as much as possible. The portfolio will invest in bonds issued by governments as well as companies, and will also utilise index linked securities. Income will be generated from the investments, but obtaining a high overall yield will not be a prime consideration. There will be exposure to alternatives such as UK commercial property and Absolute Return Funds but the managers will aim to avoid any direct investment into equities. Brown Shipley Model Portfolio 2 The objective of this portfolio is to achieve a steady rate of capital growth, combined with volatility and risk which are both below average. The portfolio will invest in bonds issued by governments as well as companies, and will also utilise index linked securities. Income will be generated from these investments, but obtaining a high overall yield will not be a prime consideration. There will be exposure to alternatives such as UK commercial property and Absolute Return Funds, as well as fairly low levels of investment into equity based funds. Performance is calculated on a weighted basis quarterly and the portfolios are rebalanced on a quarterly basis, at the beginning of; March, June, September and December. This reflects the asset allocation at the beginning of the month, although it can take up to 5 business days for changes to be incorporated. Total return, gross of Ascentric, Aviva, Novia, Transact, Standard Life and Brown Shipley Fees but net of individual fund management fees. Source Financial Express (FE). Model Portfolios 1 – 10 launch date 01/06/2010. The value of investments and any income from them may fluctuate and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Currency fluctuations may cause the value of underlying investments to go up or down. Changes to interest rates can affect the value of high yielding bonds. The yield generated is subject to fluctuation and is not guaranteed. Investment in emerging markets can be more volatile than other overseas markets Please contact the Fund Manager for further information.
Brown Shipley Model Portfolio Performance over 5 years to 31 August 2017 The objective of this portfolio is to achieve capital growth, combined with volatility and risk which are both below average. The portfolio will invest in bonds issued by governments as well as companies, but will look to achieve a balanced outcome by also investing in equities and alternative assets such as commercial property and Absolute Return funds. Income will be generated from these investments, but obtaining a high overall yield will not be a prime consideration. Brown Shipley Model Portfolio 4 The objective of this portfolio is to achieve capital growth, combined with volatility and risk which are both below average. The portfolio will invest in bonds issued by governments as well as companies, but will look to achieve a balanced outcome by also investing in equities and alternative assets such as commercial property and Absolute Return funds. Income will be generated from these investments, but obtaining a high overall yield will not be a prime consideration. Performance is calculated on a weighted basis quarterly and the portfolios are rebalanced on a quarterly basis, at the beginning of; March, June, September and December. This reflects the asset allocation at the beginning of the month, although it can take up to 5 business days for changes to be incorporated. Total return, gross of Ascentric, Aviva, Novia, Transact, Standard Life and Brown Shipley Fees but net of individual fund management fees. Source Financial Express (FE). Model Portfolios 1 – 10 launch date 01/06/2010. The value of investments and any income from them may fluctuate and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Currency fluctuations may cause the value of underlying investments to go up or down. Changes to interest rates can affect the value of high yielding bonds. The yield generated is subject to fluctuation and is not guaranteed. Investment in emerging markets can be more volatile than other overseas markets Please contact the Fund Manager for further information.
Brown Shipley Model Portfolio Performance over 5 years to 31 August 2017 The objective of this portfolio is to achieve capital growth by utilising fixed income securities and equities as well as alternative assets such as commercial property and Absolute Return funds. Income will be generated from the investments, but obtaining a high overall yield will not be a prime consideration. Brown Shipley Model Portfolio 6 The objective of this portfolio is to achieve capital growth by utilising fixed income securities and equities as well as alternative assets such as commercial property and Absolute Return funds. Income will be generated from the investments, but obtaining a high overall yield will not be a prime consideration. Performance is calculated on a weighted basis quarterly and the portfolios are rebalanced on a quarterly basis, at the beginning of; March, June, September and December. This reflects the asset allocation at the beginning of the month, although it can take up to 5 business days for changes to be incorporated. Total return, gross of Ascentric, Aviva, Novia, Transact, Standard Life and Brown Shipley Fees but net of individual fund management fees. Source Financial Express (FE). Model Portfolios 1 – 10 launch date 01/06/2010. The value of investments and any income from them may fluctuate and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Currency fluctuations may cause the value of underlying investments to go up or down. Changes to interest rates can affect the value of high yielding bonds. The yield generated is subject to fluctuation and is not guaranteed. Investment in emerging markets can be more volatile than other overseas markets Please contact the Fund Manager for further information.
Brown Shipley Model Portfolios Performance over 5 years to 31 August 2017 The objective of this portfolio is to achieve capital growth by utilising a range of assets such as fixed income securities, commercial property and Absolute Return funds but, for the majority of the time, the portfolio will have at least half of its assets in equities. Although some of the funds will be invested in the UK equity market, the managers will also seek to derive value from most global markets, including the USA, Far East, Japan and the rest of Europe. Income will be generated from the investments, but obtaining a high overall yield will not be a prime consideration. Brown Shipley Model Portfolio 8 The objective of this portfolio is to achieve capital growth by utilising a range of assets such as fixed income securities, commercial property and Absolute Return funds but, for the majority of the time, the portfolio will have the majority of its assets in equities. Although some of the funds will be invested in the UK equity market, the managers will also seek to derive value from most global markets, including the USA, Far East, Japan and the rest of Europe. Income will be generated from the investments, but obtaining a high overall yield will not be a prime consideration. Performance is calculated on a weighted basis quarterly and the portfolios are rebalanced on a quarterly basis, at the beginning of; March, June, September and December. This reflects the asset allocation at the beginning of the month, although it can take up to 5 business days for changes to be incorporated. Total return, gross of Ascentric, Aviva, Novia, Transact, Standard Life and Brown Shipley Fees but net of individual fund management fees. Source Financial Express (FE). Model Portfolios 1 – 10 launch date 01/06/2010. The value of investments and any income from them may fluctuate and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Currency fluctuations may cause the value of underlying investments to go up or down. Changes to interest rates can affect the value of high yielding bonds. The yield generated is subject to fluctuation and is not guaranteed. Investment in emerging markets can be more volatile than other overseas markets Please contact the Fund Manager for further information.
Brown Shipley Model Portfolios Performance over 5 years to 31 August 2017 The objective of this portfolio is to achieve higher levels of capital growth by primarily investing in equity markets. This will entail an above average level of risk and volatility. The managers will not only invest in the UK equity market but also seek to derive value by utilising funds which are invested in overseas markets, being primarily the USA, the Far East including Japan, various Emerging Markets and also the rest of Europe. Fixed income securities may occasionally be used, but their overall weighting within the portfolio will be low. Brown Shipley Model Portfolio 10 The objective of this portfolio is to achieve higher levels of capital growth by primarily investing in equity markets. This will entail an above average level of risk and volatility. The managers will not only invest in the UK equity market but also seek to derive value by utilising funds which are invested in overseas markets, being primarily the USA, the Far East including Japan, various Emerging Markets and also the rest of Europe. It is unlikely that fixed income securities will be used within this portfolio. Performance is calculated on a weighted basis quarterly and the portfolios are rebalanced on a quarterly basis, at the beginning of; March, June, September and December. This reflects the asset allocation at the beginning of the month, although it can take up to 5 business days for changes to be incorporated. Total return, gross of Ascentric, Aviva, Novia, Transact, Standard Life and Brown Shipley Fees but net of individual fund management fees. Source Financial Express (FE). Model Portfolios 1 – 10 launch date 01/06/2010. The value of investments and any income from them may fluctuate and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Currency fluctuations may cause the value of underlying investments to go up or down. Changes to interest rates can affect the value of high yielding bonds. The yield generated is subject to fluctuation and is not guaranteed. Investment in emerging markets can be more volatile than other overseas markets Please contact the Fund Manager for further information.
Brown Shipley Model Portfolios Performance over 5 years to 31 August 2017 Brown Shipley Model Portfolio Income 1 The primary objective of this portfolio is to produce income by utilising a range of asset classes, so that the overall portfolio has a balance between equities, fixed income securities and alternatives such as commercial property. Assets will be invested on a global basis, not just in the UK. Brown Shipley Model Portfolio Income 2 The primary objective of this portfolio is to produce above average income by utilising a range of asset classes, so that the overall portfolio has a balance between equities, fixed income securities and alternatives such as commercial property. In order to achieve the required higher levels of income the portfolio will use funds which carry an above average level of risk, such as High Yield Bonds, as well as having a substantial exposure to global equity markets, not just the UK. Performance is calculated on a weighted basis quarterly and the portfolios are rebalanced on a quarterly basis, at the beginning of; March, June, September and December. This reflects the asset allocation at the beginning of the month, although it can take up to 5 business days for changes to be incorporated. Total return, gross of Ascentric, Aviva, Novia, Transact, Standard Life and Brown Shipley Fees but net of individual fund management fees. Source Financial Express (FE). Model Portfolios Income 1 and 2 launch date 11/07/2011. The value of investments and any income from them may fluctuate and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Currency fluctuations may cause the value of underlying investments to go up or down. Changes to interest rates can affect the value of high yielding bonds. The yield generated is subject to fluctuation and is not guaranteed. Investment in emerging markets can be more volatile than other overseas markets Please contact the Fund Manager for further information.
Brown Shipley Active Model Portfolios - Performance to 31 August 2017 Portfolio Type 3 months 6 months 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 Model 1 0.35 1.38 7.29 0.83 6.14 1.68 4.97 Model 2 0.41 1.90 9.45 1.19 6.07 4.45 5.61 IA Mixed 0-35% 0.61 2.49 8.47 0.38 4.84 4.20 6.22 Model 3 0.58 2.87 12.52 1.72 6.27 8.13 6.63 Model 4 0.93 3.64 13.41 2.44 6.25 10.32 7.81 IA Mixed 20-60% 0.71 3.38 1.21 4.85 8.85 8.35 Model 5 1.07 4.39 12.76 3.26 5.52 11.57 8.00 Model 6 1.14 4.31 13.28 3.23 4.70 14.58 9.82 IA Mixed 40-85% 4.49 12.87 2.66 4.87 14.47 9.97 Model 7 1.79 6.04 13.99 3.67 5.30 15.25 10.82 Model 8 1.94 6.24 15.16 4.26 5.56 17.39 11.43 Model 9 2.59 7.37 14.84 6.12 5.48 20.64 12.75 Model 10 14.74 5.65 5.04 20.86 12.22 IA Flexible 1.74 5.09 13.82 1.99 4.89 14.54 10.13 Model Income 1 0.79 3.43 12.64 7.25 10.28 12.92 Model Income 2 1.33 4.52 13.40 5.40 11.95 20.13 Performance is calculated on a weighted basis quarterly and the portfolios are rebalanced on a quarterly basis, at the beginning of; March, June, September and December. This reflects the asset allocation at the beginning of the month, although it can take up to 5 business days for changes to be incorporated. Total return, gross of Ascentric, Aviva, Novia, Transact and Standard Life and Brown Shipley Fees but net of individual fund management fees. Source Financial Express (FE). Model Portfolios 1 – 10 launch date 01/06/2010, Income 1 and 2 launch date 11/07/2011. The value of investments and any income from them may fluctuate and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Currency fluctuations may cause the value of underlying investments to go up or down. Changes to interest rates can affect the value of high yielding bonds. The yield generated is subject to fluctuation and is not guaranteed. Investment in emerging markets can be more volatile than other overseas markets Please contact the Fund Manager for further information.
Brown Shipley Active Model Portfolios - Performance to 31 August 2017 Portfolio Type 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year Model 1 2.82 10.88 13.35 17.90 21.79 Model 2 4.71 14.03 16.67 22.64 29.10 IA Mixed 0-35% 4.15 13.77 14.79 21.03 26.01 Model 3 7.65 19.42 22.26 30.31 40.50 Model 4 9.57 22.18 25.52 35.01 47.68 IA Mixed 20-60% 7.24 18.15 19.17 27.44 38.40 Model 5 11.68 23.99 25.98 36.50 50.47 Model 6 12.22 23.95 25.85 38.24 55.14 IA Mixed 40-85% 10.62 24.52 26.44 36.33 54.88 Model 7 14.93 28.55 30.23 43.87 63.16 Model 8 15.96 31.01 33.08 48.29 70.75 Model 9 18.46 33.31 36.99 53.26 81.10 Model 10 18.57 33.56 37.45 53.59 83.22 IA Flexible 12.71 27.01 28.03 38.38 57.16 Model Income 1 8.62 19.69 20.64 30.35 45.46 Model Income 2 11.72 22.89 22.74 33.78 54.89 Performance is calculated on a weighted basis quarterly and the portfolios are rebalanced on a quarterly basis, at the beginning of; March, June, September and December. This reflects the asset allocation at the beginning of the month, although it can take up to 5 business days for changes to be incorporated. Total return, gross of Ascentric, Aviva, Novia, Transact and Standard Life and Brown Shipley Fees but net of individual fund management fees. Source Financial Express (FE). Model Portfolios 1 – 10 launch date 01/06/2010, Income 1 and 2 launch date 11/07/2011. The value of investments and any income from them may fluctuate and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Currency fluctuations may cause the value of underlying investments to go up or down. Changes to interest rates can affect the value of high yielding bonds. The yield generated is subject to fluctuation and is not guaranteed. Investment in emerging markets can be more volatile than other overseas markets Please contact the Fund Manager for further information.
Brown Shipley Model Portfolios Volatility Portfolio Type Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 Model 7 Model 8 Model 9 Model 10 Model Income 1 Model Income 2 Volatility % 2.92 3.32 4.27 4.87 5.92 6.18 6.98 7.66 8.16 8.97 5.14 6.07 The above figures show the 3 year cumulative annualised volatility of each of the underlying holdings, weighted dependent on their current asset allocation within the portfolio. The volatility ranges are a guide and not a target. Source: Financial Express (FE) and Brown Shipley. Dated 31/08/2014 to 31/08/2017
Active Model Portfolios (on Novia) Cost Breakdown (Investment based on £60,000) Portfolio Type Net Cost % Brown Shipley % Total Model 1 0.68 0.30 0.98 Model 2 Model 3 0.69 0.99 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 0.66 0.96 Model 7 0.67 0.97 Model 8 Model 9 0.64 0.94 Model 10 Model Income 1 0.76 1.06 Model Income 2 0.82 1.12 Overall charges applied to each portfolio type, including underlying fund total expense ratio Brown Shipley fees (ex VAT). This is calculated annually as at 31 March 2017. This does not include any charge which the Intermediary may wish to apply or platform charges. Please contact a member of our Intermediary Development Team for further information.
Passive Model Portfolios Cost Breakdown (Investment based on £60,000) Portfolio Type Net Cost % Brown Shipley % Total Model 1 0.26 0.25 0.51 Model 2 Model 3 0.24 0.49 Model 4 Model 5 0.50 Model 6 0.23 0.48 Model 7 0.19 0.44 Model 8 0.18 0.43 Model 9 0.20 0.45 Model 10 Model Income 1 0.27 0.52 Model Income 2 0.32 0.57 Overall charges applied to each portfolio type, including underlying fund total expense ratio Brown Shipley fees (ex VAT). This is calculated annually as at 31 March 2017. This does not include any charge which the Intermediary may wish to apply or platform charges. Please contact a member of our Intermediary Development Team for further information.
Further Information Visit Click on IFA tab How we manage the portfolios Monthly – market commentary Adviser presentation (including performance and charges) Quarterly – individual portfolio factsheet Contact Steve McDonald, Business Development Director 0161 214 6562 Gavin Wiggans, Business Development Director 0161 214 6527 Maya Rani, Business Development Team Assistant 0161 214 6561
Important information The information contained in this presentation is provided by Brown Shipley to professional advisors for information purposes only and must not be communicated to any other person. It does not constitute investment advice and must not be treated as a recommendation of offer or solicitation for investment. The value of investments and any income from them may fluctuate and are not guaranteed. The past performance of an investment is not a reliable indicator of future results This document is issued and approved by Brown Shipley which is a trading name of Brown Shipley & Co Limited, which is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Registered in England and Wales No. 398426. Registered Office: Founders Court, Lothbury, London, EC2R 7HE. Brown Shipley's parent company is KBL European Private Bankers which, from Luxembourg, heads a major European network of private bankers. Except insofar as liability under any statute cannot be excluded, neither Brown Shipley nor any employee or associate of them accepts any liability (whether arising in contract, or negligence or otherwise) for any error or omission in this document or for any resulting loss or damage whether direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise suffered by the recipient of this document. Brown Shipley September 2017 reproduction strictly prohibited. For security purposes telephone calls may be monitored or recorded.