Architecture Supported by: The sole responsibility for the content of this presentation lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Communities. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
g, controlled ventilation d, building engineering Architecture Options for Intelligent Building f, cooling at night a, good insulation c, green roof g, controlled ventilation b, enough windows e, good sun protection d, building engineering
Shed Roof the sunny side of the shed roof collects solar energy Architecture Shed Roof the sunny side of the shed roof collects solar energy the shaded side provides cool air for ventilation windows at shaded side provide even and natural illumination without direct sunlight
Selected Topics: Ventilation / Cooling Architecture Selected Topics: Ventilation / Cooling windows windows solar protection solar protection air air solar radiation solar radiation outside inside outside inside summer with sun protection winter
Architecture Typical Heat Bridges external wall cut trough concrete ceiling, cantilevered main bodies (balconies) attachments of all kinds non-insulated wall coping in roof slipped insulating layers, collapsed bulk insulations window reveals and window connections, window shutter boxes Installations, like pipe and wire ducts, integrated switchgear boxes etc.
Geothermal Heat Exchanger Architecture Geothermal Heat Exchanger Input Air Exhaust Air Heat Exchanger Geothermal Heat Exchanger Concrete tubes as heat exchanger Input air is cooled by heat exchange with the cooler soil
Activation of Construction Architecture Activation of Construction advantages to air conditioning: mild cooling no blowing higher economical efficiency Windows, breast and ceiling Glass façade, ceiling, part of floor cooling tube bundles combination of thermally active surfaces 1, from cold storage plant (day) 2, natural draft cooling tower (night)
Gross – Net Calorific Value Architecture Gross – Net Calorific Value Comparison of energy utilization Modern conventional boiler (natural gas) Condensing boiler (natural gas) Gross Net Gross Net condensation enthalpy heat losses in stack gas heat dissipation losses useable energy
Air conditioning - system Architecture Air conditioning - system Low pressure High pressure Heat source Heat utilization Boiler Condenser expansion valve
Zero-Emission-Factory Architecture Zero-Emission-Factory Walls and ceilings with timber-frame construction 70% energy being saved by high quality thermal insulation system and heat recovery of used air Solar collectors and Photovoltaics supply 30% of the needs for current and heating Using rapeseed oil for co-generation meets the remaining part of energy consumption 70% water consumption being saved in toilettes by vacuum drainage Passive cooling 50 % power being saved by optimized utilization of daylight and power saving office equipments 20% less revolving stocks by a consumption oriented logistics strategy Fa. Solvis GmbH
Key Issues Of The Topic Specific energy value Architecture Electricity Ventilation Warm water Heating Specific energy value zero energy house typical elderly house low energy house passive house
Basics Of Energy Sensitive Construction Architecture Basics Of Energy Sensitive Construction Object-oriented and integral design Definition of the energetic requirements and demand on energy key values in a user requirement specification Engineers‘ participation in planning at an early stage Optimization in the different phases of planning Continuous check of the results in each planning phase Energetically optimized building concept Compact parts of the building, i.e. smallest A / V- Ratio Workspaces with big southward windows (external sun - protection) Reduce heat bridges = continuous insulation Mostly hermetic building shell (Blower-Test) Ventilation with heat recovery