1. Decomposition using CCA Can’t be measured noninvasively ! Modeling of the sEMG/Force relationship by data analysis of high resolution sensor network PhD Student : Mariam AL Harrach* Supervisors of the thesis : Sofiane Boudaoud* and Frederic Marin* Laboratory, Research unit: BMBI, UMR 7338-CNRS Financing: Labex MS2T(Axes 1.2 and 3.1) through the program “Investments for the future” managed by the National Agency for Research (Reference ANR-11-IDEX-0004-02). *Université de Technologie de Compiègne, CNRS UMR 7338 BMBI, 60200 Compiègne, France Problem Results 2. Source selection 1. Decomposition using CCA 4. Selective CCA 3. Reconstruction sEMG Neural command Muscle activation Force Can’t be measured noninvasively ! Objective Brachialis Brachialis Biceps Brachii Biceps Brachii sEMG/Force Modeling HD-sEMG Grid (8x8) Monopolar EMG Estimated force Proposition of a new sEMG / Force relationship Model based on a high resolution sensor network Experimental Protocol Methodology Simulation M. Al Harrach, S. Boudaoud, D. Gamet, J.F. Grosset, and F. Marin. “Evaluation of High Order Statistic Trends from HD-sEMG recordings during Ramp Exercise” 36th IEEE EMBS Conf., Chicago, U.S.A, 2014. S. Boudaoud, H. Rix, M. AL Harrach, and F. Marin. “Robust Functional Statistics applied to Probability Density Function Shape screening of sEMG data” 36th IEEE EMBS Conf., Chicago, U.S.A, 2014. S. Boudaoud, S. Allouch, M. AL Harrach and F. Marin “on the benefits of using HD-sEMG technique for estimating muscle force” 40th conference of the biomechanics society, Paris, Oct, 2015. M. AL Harrach, S. Boudaoud, K. Ben Mansour, J. F Grosset1 and F. Marin “Estimation of the relationship between external Biceps Brachii deformation and isometric contraction level using Motion Capture technique” XIV mediterranean conference on medical and boil ogical engineering and computing, Paphos, 2016 (accepted). M. Al Harrach, S. Boudaoud, M.Hassan, F.S Ayachi, D.Gamet, JF Grosset and F. Marin “Denoising of HD-EMG Signals Using Canonical Correlation Analysis”, Journal MBEC (Major revision). Amer Zaylaa, Ahmad Diab, M. Al Harrach and S. Boudaoud “Evaluation of HD- sEMG grid misalignment with muscle fibers using nonlinear correlation” 3rd International Conference on Advances in Biomedical Engineering (ICABME), Beirut, 2015 (accepted). Publications