Mimi Frusha, Renewable Funding October 14, 2008
Agenda Program Process Key Dates Information & Eligibility On-line Application & Payment Request
Pilot Program Process Application + Allocation + Approval (30 days) Solar Installation (max 270 days) Payment Request + Confirmation (max 14 days) Tax Lien on Property (max 5 days) Payment Issued (max 5 days) Repayment Over 20 years
Pilot Key Dates On-Line Application Opens Wednesday November 5th 9AM On-Line Application Closes Wednesday November 19th 9AM Property Owners Notified of Slot Allocation Thursday November 20th 5PM Reservation Fee Submission Deadline Wednesday November 26th 5PM Application Approval Notification Wednesday December 3rd 5PM
Information Needed Valid Email Address Name of Property Owner(s) and Address as Appears on Property Title Name, Date and Initial Bid Amount from Qualified Solar Installer Debit or Credit Card Information to submit reservation fee
Eligibility Property must be located in the City of Berkeley Applicant to the FIRST Program must be an owner on the property title All owners on the property title must agree to the terms of the program Before requesting funding, property owner must ensure that their property meets the City’s RECO/CECO Property owners must participate in the California Solar Initiative Rebate program and use a qualified installer
Property Qualification Screen property owners listed on the application are the owners on the property title as shown in the County’s real property records there are no notices of default (mortgage, property taxes, or any other type) within the past 3 years or since ownership there are no tax liens as the result of a failure to pay taxes in excess of $500 within the past 3 years or since ownership
Property Qualification (Cont.) property owners are on current on all property taxes over the past two years or since ownership there are no current mechanic or other involuntary liens in excess of $1000
BerkeleyFIRST Home Page
BerkeleyFIRST Application
BerkeleyFIRST Check Status
Required Documentation Signed and notarized Unanimous Consent Approval, by which the property owner will annex the benefited property to the Special Tax District Signed Information Verification Form Signed Program Terms, which includes authorization to release PG&E and CSI information
Required Documentation (Cont.) Signed final electrical permit inspection from the City's Building Department Final invoice from their solar installer Copy of the California Solar Initiative Confirmed Reservation Notice Letter with CSI Reservation #
Next Steps Ensure you are familiar with the application timeline, key dates and program details (i.e.: RECO/CECO) Make sure you have your initial bid Apply promptly as there are 5 slots per a district, 40 total slots
BerkeleyFIRST Application Site www.berkeleyfirst.renewfund.com
Contacts Renewable Funding develops and delivers innovative solutions for renewable energy and energy efficiency financing. tel 510.451.7900 fax 510.451.7904 mimi@renewfund.com www.renewfund.com 16