City of Santa Rosa City Council Permit Number City of Santa Rosa City Council Project Name: Range Ranch-Setting HAP Fees for One Year Owner/Applicant : Wolff Enterprises II LLC Planner: Noah Housh
Project Description Permit Number Request to fix the Housing Allocation Plan (HAP) fee amount required to be paid for the multi-family housing project located at 1020 Jennings Avenue (commonly referred to as Range Ranch Apartments) for a period of one year.
Range Ranch is located at 1020 Jennings Avenue Project Location Range Ranch is located at 1020 Jennings Avenue
Background & Analysis -July 19, 2012-Range Ranch Project Approved Permit Number -July 19, 2012-Range Ranch Project Approved -September 25, 2012-Council Adopted Ordinance 3995, Allowing Fee Deferrals -HAP Fees Under Review -Request to set HAP fee amount for 1-year
Recommendation It is recommended by the Community Development Permit Number It is recommended by the Community Development Department that the Council, by resolution, approve setting Housing Allocation Plan Fees for the Range Ranch project for one year from the date of said approval.