Football Official Crew Communication Devices TECHNOLOGY AND MECHANICS Jeff Wasserman, MD DFOA
Background NFL/NCAA football officials have been using crew communication systems since 2014. Started in professional soccer (Premier League/MLS) Most crews have used Vokkero (Adeunis RF, France) Full Duplex (“open mic”, no push-to-talk necessary), ? distracting in Duplex Paired units, encrypted voice transmission Long Range (> 500 yards) High clarity, durable Noise filters reduce whistle tone and crowd noise Expensive: > $8000 for set of 8 with headsets Soccer officials often strap units to torso, arm, or use waist pouch
Radio Considerations Technology & licensing Headset options Operating Mode (PTT, VOX, Duplex) Battery life Durability, weather proofing Security (unit pairing, encryption) Range and sound quality Cost Noise filtering Weight & size Securing the unit to your body
Radio Technology and Licensing Classification: Family Radio Service (FRS), General Radio Mobile Service (GRMS), Dual Class, and Business Class. FRS: Motorola, Midland, Yapalong, Vokkero Popular since they operate in unlicensed 900 MHz range GRMS, Dual Class, Business Class : Baofeng, Retevis, RefTalk, Minipro, Kenwood Operate in the lower 400 MHz band, near public safety frequency bands and more prone to interference. May require FCC license to avoid fine FCC has approved some dual class units for use under specific conditions: low power mode, specific channels, business-use, PTT only TASO-approved (Baofeng, Retevis)
Headsets Comfort, stability, durability Read on-line reviews Boom mic or “surveillance style” (lapel mic & air tube) Boom mic sound quality usually better (proximity to mouth) Will R be wearing PA system boom mic? Often proprietary to the radio system, so limited options Cost $30-$150 each Yapalong has inexpensive silicon ear piece covers for comfort & stability Custom fitted ear pieces available in the future?
Operating mode Duplex (“open mic”), VOX (voice activated), PTT, or hybrid mode Duplex capable systems (Vokkero, Yapalong, RefTalk, SimulTalk) Headset will determine if unit operates in duplex or PTT mode VOX Sensitivity concerns PTT (push-to-talk) For most units, PTT button must be held down to transmit When PTT button pushed, all other units may be prohibited from transmitting Inexperienced users often start talking before pushing button, or release button early and get cut off (“1-second rule”)
Battery and Durability All systems have rechargeable batteries Some have regular alkaline battery backup Ideal is > 8 hours battery life on full charge Battery life will drop over time
Security All units should require pairing, with encrypted transmission Frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) preferred: Transmission jumps frequencies within narrow MHz band Improves security Reduces interference Allows multiple radios to transmit simultaneously Range should not be excessive
Range and Sound Quality Manufacturers usually put “ideal” range on package Official’s line-of-sight will be unobstructed, and close to “ideal” Improving transmission (range and quality) Keep antennae away from body to reduce RF absorption Avoid body-blocking, use “line of sight” transmission Keep radio as high as possible “You get what you pay for” In general, higher end systems have better quality Noise filters; less of an issue with push-to-talk (PTT)
Does it matter for < 100 yards ? Nautic Devices, Inc
Securing the Unit Belt clip Body strap (arm or torso) Side or front belt for reasonable line-of-sight positioning Keep clip tight to avoid bouncing Body strap (arm or torso) Radio must be small Line-of-sight good TASO ? Runner’s belt (“fanny pack”) Protected, secure Excessive bouncing
TASO Requirements “Before a crew uses an on-field communication device, the Board must approve the brand and model” even if it meets minimal criteria ( Approval form on member’s portal Minimal criteria (2017 TASO Football 7-man and 5-man Mechanics Manuals): Paired, PTT operation only (avoid distractions), headset and mic (avoid “walkie talkie” use), water resistant, black or white case colors only Mechanics manual not specific on where/how radio can be secured What does TASO Mechanics Committee consider? Frequency, pairing and encryption, PTT, range, water resistance Frequency hopping transmission (improves security, reduces interference, allows multiple transmitters to operate simultaneously) Noise filtering
TASO Approved Units
Entry Level Units Motorola, Midland, Cobra, Baofeng, Retevis Several hundred dollars for full set of radios Meet all the TASO minimal criteria Head sets sold separately, a few options for each radio Expect lower sound quality, “clicks” Only one unit may be able to transmit at a time
Practical Notes Use during DEAD BALL interval only R to use surveillance-style headset if PA system mic Boom mic better sound quality, but can be more awkward to use (use opposite of whistle hand) Practice with system, and give extra time in locker room for securing device to body R to confirm system is functioning properly out on the field, with officials widely separated. U-H-L-B-F-S: “Umpires Have Leather Balls For Snaps” Avoid unnecessary conversation (“talk over”, someone could be listening!) Cover radio with waterproof cover if inclement weather likely
7-man Communication Mechanics (by play type) Free Kicks B 20-second warning (whistle or radio); alerts for final sideline check Any official announce if team count abnormal After play, announce all fouls to R. Closest official relay coach’s choice for kick out-of-bounds or other Team A fouls R to inform crew of on-side kick formation
7-man Communication Mechanics (by play type) Scrimmage Downs Wing officials and B can announce substitution in progress Alert wing officials to possible sideline management violations R/U may announce to L/H if back, when in question, is on or outside of tackle box for BBW enforcement Any official alert H if down marker incorrect After timeout called, R should announce remaining timeouts for confirmation
7-man Communication Mechanics (fouls) Penalty Enforcement Calling official/s announce fouls at end of play Alerts R Holds H and chain crew in place Confirms there are not multiple fouls Use radio to give foul details to R if face-to-face discussion or hand signals would delay game R should announce foul, penalty, and succeeding down to crew before final signals: Improves communication of wings with coaches and players Confirm details and avoid errors Prepares R for PA announcement
7-man Communication Mechanics (position specific) Referee Charge and pair all units. Take system to game Confirm all units are properly secured to body Test units with crew on field during warm-up Confirm foul details with calling official/s if face-to-face discussion or hand signal would unnecessarily delay game R may announce if back, when in question, is on or out of tackle box for BBW enforcement
7-man Communication Mechanics (position specific) Umpire Use radio during penalty enforcement if further information needed before walk-off U may announce if back, when in question, is on or out of tackle box for BBW enforcement Head Linesman and Line Judge Confirm with each other if question on legality of formation Notify crew if Team A substituting from your sideline L to announce if dead ball is short or past line-to-gain on close call
7-man Communication Mechanics (position specific) Back Judge Notify F/S if Team B count abnormal Notify crew if Team A substitution in progress and wings officials did not announce Notify R of play clock errors
7-man Communication Mechanics (position specific) Field Judge and Side Judge Notify other deep officials if Team B count abnormal Announce Team A substitution from your sideline if necessary Announce possible 9-yard mark violations to H/L S to notify R of game clock errors Notify crew of time remaining if game clock malfunctions