Creating a collaborative learning environment By Marina Spyrou
Collaborative Learning ‘Collaborative learning is an educational approach to teaching and learning that involves groups of students working together to solve a problem, complete a task or create a product’ ‘Collaborative teaching involves educators working in tandem to lead, instruct and mentor groups of students’ Nowhere in these definitions do we see the words TEACH or LECTURE These are the outcomes a teacher wishes to reach no matter the level of the students, it is not the process
We often associate collaborative learning with images such as this
And this, but this is the desired outcome for each educator, to be able to have our students work in this way. But in order to reach this stage a lot of work needs to be done with our teaching and the ways we approach our students
Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934) Russian Educational psychologist who devised a socio-cultural theory which was published in 1962 and also conducted research on how children solve their problems which led to: The Zone of Proximal Development Theory His socio- cultural theory maintains: social interaction lead to step-by-step change in children’s thought and behaviour thought and behaviour can vary from culture to culture Although it was published in the 1960’s his theory is still used in educational systems to this day
4 Core Principles underlying The Vygotskian Framework: Children construct their own knowledge with the guidance of the teacher Development cannot be separated from its social context Learning can lead to development Language plays a central role in mental development
Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) Learning process development ZPD Learning = ‘the actual development level as determined by individual problem solving Development = the level of potential development as determined through problem solving under adult supervision or in collaboration with more capable peers If collaborative learning takes place in the ZPD then this will lead to the full potential development
Building the learner ‘Vygotsky encourages teachers not to concentrate too much on teaching concrete facts but to also push their students in an abstract world as a means to assisting them to develop multiple skills that will enable them to deal with complex learning tasks.’ –ARECLS, 2008, Vol.5 , p256 ‘What is of paramount importance in the pre-university stage is not what is learned but learning how to learn…what matters is not the absorption and regurgitation either of fact or pre-digested interpretations of facts, but the development of powers of the mind or ways of thinking…’ –A.Peterson, ‘The International Baccalaureate: An experiment in International Education’, 1972, London A student cannot be a collaborative learner unless they first learn to be a learner.
Learner Profile Reflective Open-minded Risk-takers Caring Balanced Principled Knowledgeable Inquirers Communicators Thinkers
How to build the learner… ‘The theory emphasizes the importance of meta-cognition and … making [the] learning experience meaningful and relevant to the learner’s life and [focuses on] the development and growth of the learner as a whole person.’ In order to be meaningful and relevant the teachers needs to work beyond established units in coursebooks. When we set a beginning and and end, start and finish units in coursebooks we are putting our students in a frame of thinking in specific boxes.
Thematic teaching Communication & Media Global Issues Social Relationships Get rid of chapter headings and work within topics which are interrelated. Here are some topics (from the IB) which can be broken down into subtopics /themes which can serve as a good base for your thematic teaching approach
Social Relationships Identity & Self Culture & Religion Language Taboos v’s Social Acceptance Relationships Work Stereotypes Racism, Prejudice & Discrimination Education Language This is an example of how a topic can be divided into subtopics, I personally use this thematic unit. The benefits of such a unit not only include opportunites for meaningful and relevant learning, but also enable the learner to develop through the scaffolding process whereby knowlegde from one subtopic is transferred and applied into the next thereby wider building of knoweldge occurs
Global Issues Technology Today’s youth Climate change The environment Natural disasters Climate change The environment Migration Globalisation Economy Poverty & Famine This is an example of how a topic can be divided into subtopics, I personally use this thematic unit. The benefits of such a unit not only include opportunites for meaningful and relevant learning, but also enable the learner to develop through the scaffolding process whereby knowlegde from one subtopic is transferred and applied into the next thereby wider building of knoweldge occurs
Compiling topic notes and finding quotes relevant to the topic Examples Compiling topic notes and finding quotes relevant to the topic Free Brainstorming Use of prompts
Collaborative learning activities Students: Working together solve a problem complete a task create a product Teacher: Leads Instructs mentors
Activity 1 Research Project: Social Taboos Working together Students in groups research into social taboos such as tattoos and piercings Then they present their findings in a structured presentation Working together Complete a task create a product Teacher: Instructs Mentors
Activity 2 Role – play : Racism, Prejudice & Discrimination Students in groups pick a form of discrimination in school or in the work place Create and act out a scene in which this discrimination occurs and suggest solutions to eliminate this problem Working together create a product solve a problem Teacher: Leads Instructs Mentors
Activity 3 Research and Analysis of Stereotypes Working together Students in groups trace stereotypes in songs, films & TV series Then they present their findings in a structured presentation Working together Complete a task create a product Teacher: Leads Instructs Mentors
The Transition of Gender Stereotypes Through Time James Bond The Transition of Gender Stereotypes Through Time
Since the release of the first movie in 1961, James Bond has become a ubiquitous part of our society All 24 of the James Bond films are cinematic sensations and have grossed at over 14 billion US dollars total, worldwide Due to the long-running success of the movies, they allow for an analysis of the ways in which gender roles have changed through time
Gender Stereotypes Women actors have always played specific roles in film. An extensive study done in 2005 concluded that women are very underrepresented in film, specifically as actors; they are usually younger than men; and they are portrayed .as successful when they are thin, attractive, and sexualized The gender roles and stereotypes present in the James Bond franchise are noteworthy and present an interesting case to study
A Modern James Bond In Skyfall, The “Dominant Male Figure” becomes apparent. James Bond becomes more refined, intellectual and capable of always making the right choices.
Activity 4 Debate on De-Extinction Working together Students are divided into two groups one arguing for de-extinction and the other against Then they participate in a formal debate Working together Solve a problem Complete a task Teacher: Leads Instructs Mentors
Opinion: The Case Against Species Revival Conservation of species still alive should take precedence, the author argues. Opinion: The Case for Reviving Extinct Species There are a lot of reasons for bringing back extinct animals, the author argues.
Activity 5 Creating videos on the Environment Working together Students are placed in groups and must create a video assuming the role of a natural element in order to convey the issues/dangers pertaining to the environment Working together Solve a problem Complete a task Create a product Teacher: Leads Instructs Mentors
Activity 6 Creating advertisements Working together Students are placed in pairs created advertisements for gender-based items for specific targeted magazines Then they present them and analyse their choices Working together Complete a task Create a product Teacher: Leads Instructs Mentors