MENARA – Middle East and North Africa Regional Architecture Middle East and North Africa Regional Architecture: Mapping geopolitical shifts, regional order and domestic transformations Project number: 693244 Duration: April 2016- March 2019 Budget: 2.401.944€
PARTICIPANTS 1 Barcelona Center for International Affairs (CIDOB), Spain 2 Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Italy 3 Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Denmark 4 Institute for Future Studies (IZT), Germany 5 Al Akhawayn University (AUI), Morocco 6 Center for Public Policy and Democracy Studies (PODEM), Turkey 7 King’s College (KCL), United Kingdom 8 Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (IFAT), Hungary 9 European University Institute (EUI), Italy 10 Issam Fares Institute – American University of Beirut (IFI-AUB) , Lebanon 11 Egmont Institute (EGMONT), Belgium 12 Observatoire Méditerranéen de l'Energie, France 13 Qatar University, Qatar 14 London School of Economics (LSE), United Kingdom
PROJECT AIMS The MENARA Project is a common endeavor by 14 research institutions funded by the EU Commission under its flagship programme Horizon 2020. The project will shed light on the emerging regional order and geopolitical shifts, domestic dynamics and bottom-up amid increasingly volatile and uncertain times. MENARA will map the driving forces either pushing for conflict or cohesion in societies, fragmentation or integration in the region, and peripherisation or global embeddedness. MENARA will project dynamics and trends into the future. Scenario-building will foster well-informed strategic thinking about the region. The project helps the EU to better understand reality, anticipate upcoming events and outline tailored policy-options.
PROJECT OUTPUTS MENARA website: MENARA social media – Facebook, Twitter Newsletter MENARA Papers, MENARA Future Notes, MENARA internal documents, MENARA Maps, MENARA Voices
TARGETED AUDIENCE Academia Media and opinion leaders Policy makers – national/regional/international levels Economic and social actors
IFAT tasks WP1 Conceptual and Methodological Guidelines: The State of the Art and Beyond (lead: CIDOB, IFAT: NRE & Máté Szalai ) WP4 State-Society Dynamics (László Csicsmann, NRE) WP6 Global Dynamics (lead + László Póti, Máté Szalai, NRE) WP7 Emerging Regional Order (László Csicsmann) WP10 Dissemination Coordination: Zsuzsanna Csornai
WP6 GOALS Present and future global dynamics that shape regional dynamics – global powers, issues, integration processes Global actors in the Middle East shaping order Conflicting dynamics and there impact upon the region Regional actors’ influence over extra-regional processes and their perception If, where and when the Middle-East is peripheral or embedded in global dynamics
SCOPE Global Powers Issues Integration dynamics US Russia China and Brazil Issues Global mobility Competition for natural resources WMD and non-proliferation Integration dynamics Multilateralism (UN) Economic and financial globalisation (International financial institutions) Global technological revolutions