Using debating to encourage critical thinking about global issues Kate 0-5 mins Eve Morgan-Lace & Kate Wesley Earlsfield Primary School, London
Workshop Aims: To introduce debating as a way to explore human rights and global issues with children To share children’s experiences of debating To introduce warm up games to develop early debating skills To demonstrate how to plan for a debate To progress debating skills from a mini debate to a full debate To share ideas for broadening skills through debating Kate 0-5 mins
Why Debating? Promotes talking into writing. Starting the children with a debate really helps their persuasive writing Promotes Spoken Language Promotes critical thinking Engages children in topics involving global issues and human rights Making children argue for something they don’t believe in helps them to see things from different points of view And it’s fun… Kate 0-5 mins
The children will explain why they enjoy debating… Year 6 Kate Film clip. Why do they like debating? 2 mins Insert film clip
Activity 1: I couldn’t disagree more… This house believes that every country should … (e.g. adopt English as its official language) Insert flip clip of chn debating I couldn’t disagree more …only buy locally produced food …donate money to less wealthy countries Eve Show a film clip of I couldn’t disagree more. Warm up games. Then audience try using a different theme- 3 different themes. In small groups. 5 mins …grant asylum to refugee children
Activity 2: What’s in the bag? How can you use the items in this bag to work towards meeting one of the global goals? Eve Then audience have a go at “what’s in the bag?”. Prep items for the bag. 5 mins
Getting Started “This house believes…that internet access should be a human right.“ Brainstorm as many thoughts as you can around the motion... How many points can you think of that support the motion? How many points can you think of that are against the motion? Do you have any questions? Eve Post it notes. Then share feedback Discuss with group how to brainstorm – planning process 5- 10
Trio debate – this ensures that every child gets to speak In your threes: One person to propose the motion for 1 minute One person to oppose the motion for 1 minute One person to be time keeper Now swap roles until everyone has had a go in each role. Eve. Mini debate. 5 mins Any feedback? “This house believes…that internet access should be a human right.“
(Full debate examples here) Kate. 5 mins
Other forms of debates: Full (parliamentary) debate - This is a formal debate with a Chair, speakers for the Opposition and Proposition, Summaries and questions from the floor Balloon Debate - Each pupil represents a person, object or idea and must present a speech in their defense (to prevent them being thrown out of the balloon) Public Speaking - Speaker selects a topic for a speech. There is a Chair who introduces the speaker and the topic and sums up the discussion following questions, the Questioners as the speaker questions after the speech Role Play – e.g. town council – children are given roles and must stay in role to defend their point of view on a certain topic Alley debate – the group is divided into 2 – good and bad consciences – one child stands between them. Taking turns on each side every member of the group gives a short speech to persuade the individual to join their side. Eve. 2 mins
What to debate? This house believes… History The Vikings fully deserve their violent reputation Henry VIII was right to divorce Catherine of Aragon Geography It is better to live in the country than in the city The centre of towns should be pedestrianised Science All fast food should be banned Rights and Responsibilities All children should be able to go to school No child should have to go to work Kate. 2 mins Other ideas: This House believes that the EU should make English its common language • This House would join the Euro • This House would admit Turkey to the European Union • This House believes nuclear weapons make the World a safer place • This House would prohibit international adoption • This House would never go to war
Skills to develop P – make your point E – explain your point Teach how to make a rebuttal Introduce PEEL: this reminds the children how to structure their argument P – make your point E – explain your point E – provide some evidence to back up your point L- link your argument back to the motion Encourage your children to speak confidently Play ‘Just a Minute’ Um and Err - divide the children into teams and give them a topic to talk about for 30 seconds. Keep a tally of ums and errs and the team with the least points wins Eve. 5 mins Play rebuttal cards Divide the group into 2. Hand out argument cards to everyone in one group and rebuttal cards to the others Ask each person in turn with an argument card to read out the argument. As each card is read out – ask who thinks they have the appropriate rebuttal.
What next? Any questions? Thanks for coming Hold a Model United Nations General Assembly Set up a Debating Club Include debates in lesson planning across the curriculum and age ranges Enter debating teams in local competitions Find out more from: English Speaking Union, Noisy Classrooms, Debate Mate Have some fun! Thanks for coming Any questions? Kate. 2 mins