Global warming & Climate change


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Presentation transcript:

Global warming & Climate change Learning e-Resources from EdUHK Library

Contents: Background information Finding e-books Searching databases E-Journals lists Videos online Organizations links Classroom resources Sharing blogs

Background information Reference works such as biographies, dictionaries, encyclopedias, directories, bibliographies, etc. provide useful background information. The Reference Collection is a good place to start your research. Selected samples are: Dictionary of environmental science and technology Oxford Dictionary of Biology Encyclopedia of global warming Encyclopedia of global warming and climate change Global Warming Climate change : an encyclopedia of science and history Environmental Encyclopedia McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL) Searchable full text of reference books in many subjects.

Finding e-books GE70-90 Environmental education Books related to environmental science can be found in the following call number ranges: GE1-350 Environmental sciences GE70-90 Environmental education GE170-190 Environmental policy GE195-199 Environmentalism. Green movement. GE300-350 Environmental management

More e-books … Adjudicating Climate Change : State, National, and International Approaches / edited by William C. G. Burns, Hari M. Osofsky. (2009) Carbon sinks and climate change : forests in the fight against global warming / Colin A.G. Hunt. (2009) The ethics of global climate change / edited by Denis G. Arnold. (2011) Climate : causes and effects of climate change / Dana Desonie. (2008) Climate change, supply chain management, and enterprise adaptation : implications of global warming on the economy / by Costas P. Pappis. (2010) Human rights and climate change : a review of the international legal dimensions. (2011) Climate Change Mitigation : What Do We Do? / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2008)

More e-books … Climate ethics : essential readings / edited by Stephen M. Gardiner ... [et al.]. (2010) China's dilemma : economic growth, the environment and climate change / Ligang Song and Wing Thye Woo, editors. (2008) The climate diet : how you can cut carbon, cut costs, and save the planet / Jonathan Harrington. (2008) Climate change : in context / Brenda Wilmoth Lerner & K. Lee Lerner, editors. (2008) Climate change : shifting glaciers, deserts, and climate belts / Timothy Kusky. (2009) Climate change : a reference handbook / David L. Downie, Kate Brash, and Catherine Vaughan. (2009) Climate change justice / Eric A. Posner, David Weisbach. (2010) Cities and climate change : responding to an urgent agenda / Daniel Hoornweg ... [et al.], editors. (2011)

Finding books from iSearch Use the following online catalogs to search for books: iSearch - search for library books, online journals articles and more … Catalogue - search for physical items of books and multimedia resources

Useful search terms Suggested Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) to use as search terms for this topic include: Climatic Changes Climatic Changes – Effect of human beings on Global Warming Global Warming – Political aspects Global Warming – Economic aspects Greenhouse gases Greenhouse gases – Environmental aspects Green Movement


Searching databases Academic Search Premier Coverage: Abstracts 1965 + Full Text 1975 + It is the world's largest scholarly, multi-discipline full text database containing full text and peer-reviewed publications which covers all aspect of academic study. Cambridge Journals Online Coverage: Varies Covers Cambridge University Press's collection of over 200 e-journals in subject areas of sciences, social sciences and humanities. Environment Complete Coverage: 1940 + Environment Complete offers deep coverage in applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more.

More databases (i) … Environmental Studies and Policy Collection Coverage: 1980-2012 Providing robust coverage of the field of environmental issues and policy, this collection, which includes magazines and academic journals, provides instant access to the multiple viewpoints of this volatile field of study, including perspectives from the scientific community, governmental policy makers, as well as corporate interests. Gale Virtual Reference Library Coverage: Varies An e-book database of encyclopedias, almanacs and reference sources for multidisplinary research. It supports full-text search within and across collections, advanced search capabilities, bookmarks and annotations. GreenFILE Coverage: Varies It covers all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.

More databases (ii) … Greenr Coverage: Varies The Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources (GREENR) focuses on the physical, social, and economic aspects of environmental issues. Topic, organization, and country portals form research centers around issues covering energy systems, health care, agriculture, climate change, population, and economic development. Portals include authoritative analysis, academic journals, news, case studies, legislation, conference proceedings, primary source documents, statistics, and rich multimedia. International Studies Encyclopedia Coverage: Varies A searchable encyclopedia published by Wiley Blackwell in association with the International Studies Association. ISE is a referential kind of work for the fields of international studies and international relations.

More databases (iii)… Journal Citation Reports (JCR) - Sciences Edition Coverage: 2008 + A resource tool for the evaluation of science journals, containing citation data from roughly 8,000 journals in the areas of science and technology. Users can filter the journals by subject and then sort them by impact factor, immediacy index, total cites, current articles, cited half-life, or journal title. JSTOR. Arts & Sciences Collection Coverage: Varies It covers Arts & Sciences I, II, III, IV, V and VII Collections with over 800 titles across 43 discipline, including art, economics, education, health policies, health sciences, language & literature, law, linguistics, mathematics, music, performing arts, philosophy, psychology, religion and sociology, etc. MyiLibrary Coverage: Varies Provides access to over 4000 purchased ebooks on various subjects such as Education, Arts, Language and Literature, Music and Science.

More databases (iv)… Oxford University Press Coverage: Varies Oxford University Press provide access to over 150 journals subscribed by the Library. Subject covers humanities, life sciences, mathematics, medicine, physical sciences and social sciences. PAIS Coverage: 1972 + PAIS is a bibliographic index to the literature on public policy, social policy, and the social sciences in general dated back to 1972. Materials indexed include journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference reports, publications of international agencies, microfiche, Internet material, etc. ProQuest Research Library Coverage: Abstracts 1971 + Full Text 1987 + Provides access to information from journals across a wide range of subject areas, including arts, business, children, education, humanities, psychology and sciences etc. ProQuest Science & Technology Databases Coverage: Varies This provides simultaneous searching on Dissertations & Theses, Research Library databases in the subject areas of science and technology.

More databases (v) … Science Direct Coverage: Varies Provides electronic access to over 240 Elsevier journals and over 350 e-books subscribed by the Library. Scopus Coverage: 1966 + An abstracting and indexing database that includes 18,000 peer-reviewed journal titles in the social sciences, health sciences, life sciences and physical sciences. Apart from getting extensive inter-disciplinary access to journal articles, the database also contains cited references to articles from 1996 onwards. SpringerLink Coverage: Varies Over 1300 journals and 500 e-books from Springer for researchers in biomedicine, life science, physics, engineering, mathematics, computer science, humanities, and economics.

More databases (vi) … Web of Science Science Citation Index is a "multidisciplinary index to international science literature." Wiley Online Library Coverage: Varies Education, social sciences, psychology, business and science electronic journals from Wiley. Full text access is limited to about 700 journals and 9 e- books which the Library has a subscription.

More databases (vii) … 中文電子期刊服務 CEPS: Chinese Electronic Periodicals Service Coverage: Varies 收錄範圍包括台灣、中國大陸及其他各地以中文為主的資料。涵蓋的科目有人文 學、社會科學、自然科學、應用科學、醫學與生命科學等。每種期刊收錄年代不 一,但主要為2000 年之後。 中國知網 China Knowledge Resource integrated Database (CNKI) Coverage: Varies 包含《中國期刊全文數據庫》、《中國優秀博碩士學位論文全文數據庫》、《世紀 期刊人文社科精品數據庫》及《中國年鑒全文資料庫》。 中國期刊全文數據庫 -〈基礎科學〉及〈信息科學〉 China Academic Journal Full-text Database - (Mathematics/Physics/Mechanics/Astronomy) & (Electronic Technology & Information Science) Coverage: 2002 - 2003 收錄中國出版的理工科期刊之全文文獻,範圍包括數學、物理、、生物、地理、地 質、電子情報、科學研究等。

E-journals list Annual Review of Environment and Resources British Journal of Environment & Climate Change Climatic Change Climate Dynamics Climate of the Past Discussions Climate Policy Dealing with climate change Environmental Education Research

More e-Journals … Global Warming Focus Green Futures Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology The Business of Global Warming International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts & Responses International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education

Videos online 地球暖化 命送天氣 全球暖化如何影響香港 Are we doing enough to fight global warming? Climate Central Climate change in Hong Kong Climate conscious Counting carbon Global climate change and greenhouse emissions

More videos … Global warming Global Warming and Hong Kong Global Warming and the Copenhagen conference Gore goes global ; Heating up International climate change Conference Mercury rising Selling green ; Hidden identity Should we be scared of climate change? The butterfly storm The Signs of Warming : Tai Mo Shan What can Hongkongers do about the worsening pollution problem? Wind win situation?

Links to international organizations Center for Health and the Global Earth Observatory NASA Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Climate Change Site Geological Survey Climate Change Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Resources for the Future The Library of Congress Science Reference Services The U.N. Environment Programme US Global Change Research Program World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

Links to local organizations 世界自然(香港)基金會 Environmental Protection Department (EPD) Friends of the Earth Hong Kong Hong Kong Observatory

Classroom resources PowerPoint: The latest on climate change in Hong Kong / by TC Lee ; HKCCF Programme on climate change 21 September 2010, Hong Kong Observatory. %20(TC%20Lee).ppt Dissertations: “The impact of climate change on residential transactions in Hong Kong” by Li, Rita Yi Man 2009 (HKU) “Temperature projection in Hong Kong using remote sensing and dynamic modelling” by To Pui Hang 2012 (PolyU)

More classroom resources … Images: Britannica Image Quest Interactives: Global Climate Change Photos: Global warming stock photos and images Greener action: dual_actions/climateers/beaclimateer/whos_climateering/michelle_law/

More classroom resources … HK Public Libraries factsheets: .html obal_Warming_2010.pdf   HK Public Museums:

Legislative Council Panel Meeting Legislative Council Panel on Environmental Affairs Meeting on 28 January 2008 “Background brief on greenhouse gas emissions and their effects on global warming”. 19-e.pdf

More relevant papers … Information paper provided by the Administration for the Environmental Affairs Panel meetings on 28 May 2007 Information note entitled "Policies and measures for mitigation of climate change" prepared by the Research and Library Services Division Minutes of the Environmental Affairs Panel meeting on 28 May 2007 Administration's response to deputations' views

More classroom resources … E-learning for kids: ”Environmental skills – Global warming” http://e- Projects by Students for Students A Student’s Guide to Global Climate Change

Android applications Global Warming Global Warming Causes

Sharing blogs The “GWon air” (dummy) is a social platform for all HKIEd students to share their view points, phenomenon, findings and resources on how global warming and climate change will affect the living environment of Hong Kong. Organize discussions, talks and outdoor activities virtually Construct knowledge transfer both inside and outside classrooms Analyze survey results data and draw solutions Smart tips from our daily life actions to save our planet

Further enquiry: Ask your Librarian @ Information Counter Tel: 2948 6653 Email: