Intermountain West Data Warehouse Introduction and Overview for WRAP Tribal Data Work Group and Regional Technical Operations Work Group July 20, 2017 today’s presenters: Shawn McClure Rodger Ames Tom Moore Zac Adelman
Presentation Outline IWDW Introduction - Concept, Motivations, and Objectives (Tom) IWDW Overview (Shawn) The “System of Systems” approach Warehouse ecosystem and architecture Data, tools, and resources Ongoing tasks and activities WAQS Introduction – Background and Objectives (Tom) Modeling Platforms (Zac) What are they and how are they used by the IWDW WAQS simulations IWDW external modeling platforms Research (Zac) Boundary conditions, winter meteorology and winter O3, source apportionment Support for outside research Data & Modeling Platform Use and Applications (Rodger) Oversight and data request What is a modeling platform’s intended use (NEPA, etc.) TDWG and RTOWG tasks Monitoring Network Assessment IWDW future research and tasks
An Integrated System of Systems Intermountain West Data Warehouse (IWDW) Partners: NPS, BLM, USFS, EPA, States FLM Environmental Database (FED) Partners: NPS, USFS Databases Websites Software Hardware WRAP TSS Partners: WRAP NASA ROSES Partners: NASA / NPS VIEWS Partners: EPA / States NASA NAAPS Partners: NASA / NPS NPS Conditions & Trends Tools ( Partners: NPS/ARD Southeastern Modeling, Analysis, and Planning (SEMAP) Partners: EPA, Southeastern States
Hardware and Software Infrastructure Hardware Resources File Server #1: $11,000; 127 TB used out of ~220 TB File Server #2: $11,000; 91 TB used out of ~220 TB Database Server: (leveraged from FED project – i.e. no cost to IWDW) Web Server: (leveraged from FED project) GIS Server: (leveraged from FED project) Wiki Server: (leveraged from FED project) Development Server #1: (leveraged from FED project) Development Server #2: $4,000 Development Server #3: $4,000 Software Resources MSDN (Microsoft) Subscription (leveraged from FED project – i.e. no cost to IWDW) Windows Server, Windows 7, Windows 10 (servers and development machines) SQL Server (database servers) Internet Information Server (web server) Visual Studio (software development suite for development machines) Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. (development machines) ESRI GIS Server (3 “seats” at $35 dollars per seat, through CSU discount) GLOBUS High Speed File Transfer Software (no cost, through CSU) Software libraries and framework (leveraged from FED project) User management system (leveraged from FED project) IWDW website – content, wiki, data requests, modeling, emissions, and SA tools IWDW website – monitoring data and tools (leveraged from FED project)
Data Warehouse Ecosystem Overview
Data Warehouse Data Flow Diagram
Data, Tools, and Resources
Data Selection and Access Consoles
Data Products and Exploration Tools Monitored Modeled Emissions
Ongoing Tasks and Activities Fulfill approved cooperator requests for data Maintain, repair, and configure servers and machines Install, update, and configure server software Obtain, organize, and manage new datasets Process and transform data for use with the online tools Backup and archive dataset inventory Operate, update, and refine the IWDW website Respond to collaborator and user feedback Document the system, tools, and datasets Provide help with using the warehouse resources Facilitate collaboration with other relevant projects
Western Air Quality Study (WAQS) Introduction The Western Air Quality Study, with assistance from WESTAR and WRAP, develops state-of-the-art air quality data and photochemical grid modeling products to support studies assessing the air quality in the intermountain west region.
Modeling Platforms Overview Modeling Platform: All data and software tools associated with a photochemical grid modeling (PGM) project Scripts and software PGM Input Data Meteorology Unprocessed and Model-ready Emissions Initial/boundary conditions Ancillary data PGM Output Data Concentrations Deposition Visibility metrics Model-obs pairs Special Study Data Initial Conditions Restart Meteorology PGM Special Study Data = source apportionment, attainment test, unmonitored area analysis, MPE plots Emissions Nesting Boundary Conditions
Modeling Platforms Overview Modeling platforms are the core modeling products of the IWDW Extend IWDW beyond providing only observations Unique feature of the IWDW is to provide complete modeling systems, in addition to observations Modeling platforms provide a shortcut to a vetted modeling and data system Data and software packaged together Platform model performance evaluation (MPE) Documentation Supported Projects: NEPA SIP/planning Research IWDW Data Request Form - Access modeling platform components - Documentation - Recommended uses of the platform
Modeling Platforms Overview Current/Available IWDW -WAQS Modeling Platforms WRF meteorology data SMOKE-processed emissions: NEI + regional oil and gas + regional natural (fires, biogenic, lightning) WAQS Photochemical Grid Modeling 2008: 36/12km CAMx simulation with a 2020 future year 2011: 36/12/4km CMAQ and CAMx simulations with a 2025 future year 2011b emissions v2 CAMx output using consistent meteorology Sensitivity study data by request WAQS Modeling Platforms What are they and how are they used by the IWDW What is a modeling platform’s intended use WAQS simulations (2008, 2011a, 2011b, future years, CMAQ+CAMx, WRF, SMOKE) 2011b updates
Modeling Platforms Overview IWDW External Modeling Platforms WestJumpAQMS (2008, archive) CARMMS (v1.0, 2011 Base Case, 2021 Planning) SNMOS (2011 Base Case, 2025 Planning with SA Tools) Denver/NFR O3 SIP (2011 Base Case, 2017 Planning w/ SA Tools) EPA national air quality transport analysis 2011v3 base case 2023 ozone transport 2028 Regional Haze contribution analysis (pending) EPA national WRF/MMIF for AERMOD (2013, 2014, 2015) WAQS Modeling Platforms What are they and how are they used by the IWDW What is a modeling platform’s intended use WAQS simulations (2008, 2011a, 2011b, future years, CMAQ+CAMx, WRF, SMOKE) 2011b updates SNMOS 12/4-km Modeling Domains
IWDW – WAQS In-House Research Studies Background ozone International transport Winter ozone Modeled boundary conditions MOVES onroad mobile emissions Source apportionment Methane and regional ozone Model performance Urban vs rural Baseline O3 Winter O3 O3 Precursors Speciated PM and visibility Deposition WAQS Modeling Platforms What are they and how are they used by the IWDW What is a modeling platform’s intended use WAQS simulations (2008, 2011a, 2011b, future years, CMAQ+CAMx, WRF, SMOKE) 2011b updates
IWDW – WAQS Derivative Projects Over 35 external data requests to IWDW for modeling platforms IWDW is actively supporting SIP/planning, NEPA, and research in the western U.S. Customized projects range from complete platforms for modeling to individual components for targeted research Free and open access to thousands of MPE plots and tabulated data
Modeling Platform Management Oversight Data stewards Secured space for Project Governing Board and Oversight Committee Documentation Public face Study level documents page Project level documentation Applications MPE process with Project Cooperators Clearinghouse for external modeling studies IWDW Data Request Form Cooperators’ recommendations Data Use Agreement Requestor’s project information & intended use Modeling platform file level information Links to modeling protocol, model performance evaluation reports
Monitoring Data - Use and Applications Data availability Openly available for query, charting, download Provides access to and common format for numerous datasets AQS IMPROVE CSN CASTNet NADP, etc. Applications Monitoring Network Assessment Regional inter-jurisdictional process; Assess status of current monitoring network (preceded by 3SAQS MNA); Analysis: monitor-to-monitor correlations, airsheds, spatial extents, gap analysis, monitor rankings by proximity to emissions by source sector; Examine potential NAAQS impact from O&G emissions, particularly in rural locations; Assess AQRVs in Class I & II Areas related to PM2.5 and deposition; Leverage WAQS emissions and AQ modeling in analysis; Provide recommendations to stakeholders; Cost analysis for continued monitoring at Elk Springs and Paradox; Analysis products available on the IWDW Seven state and five federal agencies
Monitoring Data - Use and Applications Gap Analysis O3 monitors spatial extents Active O&G well locations
Monitoring Data - Use and Applications Gap Analysis NO2 monitors spatial extents Active O&G well locations
Existing IWDW Products: Tribal Data Workgroup Tasks Activity Type / Source of Effort Milestone Initial assessment of the status of WRAP region Tribal air quality monitoring, AQS reporting, and emissions inventories In-Kind - TDWG, WRAP Staff and IWDW In 2017 Existing IWDW Products: Monitoring Network Assessment analysis and data products Current list of Tribal monitors Use of Tribal emissions inventories in regional modeling
Regional Technical Operations Work Group Tasks Activity Type / Source of Effort Milestone New western U.S. base year modeling platform and future years’ projections for planning milestones Next IWDW-WAQS modeling platform and ancillary studies Regional Haze modeling analyses Pending direction from RHPWG, leverage IWDW Background Ozone modeling analyses Background Ozone Scientific Assessment journal paper, leverage IWDW Other western air quality modeling analyses Pending direction from other Work Groups, leverage IWDW Exceptional Event regional data support Regional Exceptional Event Analysis Existing IWDW Products: WAQS sensitivity studies WAQS modeling platforms used for air quality planning Source apportionment modeling studies Baseline O3 monitoring data evaluations for rural locations Monitoring data from special studies “External” modeling studies Exceptional Event Survey results presented at April 28th WRAP Board meeting
Future Research Topics and Tasks Modeling & Monitoring Data New WAQS modeling platform Sensitivity studies (e.g. international contributions, background O3, natural vs. anthropogenic emissions, etc.) Tribal non-point sources in regional modeling Modeled impacts on Tribal lands Exceptional event analysis support data RHR foundational data from IMPROVE Ongoing assimilation of monitoring data IWDW Tools Refine system for automating the MPE process and the generation of MPE products Expand infrastructure for automatically producing summary and derivative data sets from raw, gridded modeling results Broaden capabilities for performing GIS-based processing and analysis
Important Data Warehouse Links IWDW Website: IWDW Description and Background: IWDW Data and Tools: IWDW Resources: IWDW Wiki: IWDW Forums: