CESGA QR2 SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2 CICA, Sevilla Alvaro Simón, Esteban Freire, Sergio Díaz, Pablo Rey, Carlos Fernández, I. López, Javier Lopez / CESGA SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2 CICA, Sevilla
Outline Resource Commitments Contribution to SA1 Tasks What are the deviations? What is the main success in the reporting period? What is the main issue? Hiring Services Milestones & Deliverables Cross-activities Contribution CESGA QR2, SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2, Oct 22 2008
Resource Commitments 1/2 People Alvaro Simón (18 PM) Esteban Freire (18 PM) Sergio Díaz (18 PM) Javier López (12 PM) Pablo Rey (12 PM) Carlos Fernández (2 PM) Ignacio López (1 PM) Andres Gómez (1 PM) Javier García Tobío (1 PM) CESGA QR2, SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2, Oct 22 2008
Resource Commitments 2/2 Computer Resources Production (CESGA-EGEE) Services: CE, CE2, MON, SE, UI, VOMS, LFC, WMS, WWW, WWW2, WWW3 WN: 356 cores PPS (CESGA-PPS) Services: RGMA, MON, SE, CE WN: 2 cores Storage 1 TB local storage 14 TB Lustre (10% of global CESGA's Lustre SFS) CESGA QR2, SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2, Oct 22 2008
Contribution to SA1 Tasks TSA1.1.3: Monitoring and enforcement of SLAs: A web page has been developed inside the SWE Portal to show the status of the SLD signature process and to keep track of specific site modifications to the default SLD conditions: http://www.egee.cesga.es/EGEE-SA1-SWE/accounting/sld.html SLD signature sessions have been celebrated in several events: IberGrid 08, SWE SA1 PCM Madrid, and EGEE'08 14 of 21 sites have signed the SLD CESGA QR2, SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2, Oct 22 2008
Contribution to SA1 Tasks TSA1.1.5: Grid Accounting: Creation of a new report that allows to compare the contributed elapsed time with the commitments of the technical annex (available in the development accounting portal) https://www2.egee.cesga.es/gridsite/accounting/CESGA/dev/repegee.html Improvement in the Accounting Portal to support site associations between OSG sites New “go to top” link in each graph of the Accounting Portal Demo EGEE'08: Intra-VO and individual user level accounting in EGEE CESGA QR2, SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2, Oct 22 2008
Contribution to SA1 Tasks TSA1.1.7: Operation of national or regional certification authorities and registration authorities: Review of CESGA's RA policy to allow using digital certificates from FNMT or DNI-e to sign the certificate's requests, without the need for the user to come personally to CESGA's installations. During the given period 32 certificate's requests have been processed: 27 for servers and 5 for users. CESGA QR2, SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2, Oct 22 2008
Contribution to SA1 Tasks TSA1.2.4 Production and Pre-Production Production New subcluster FORMIGA added to CESGA production site Installation of I2G middleware in the WNs to allow MPI jobs Updating SWE wiki pages with new information, like Quattor templates to be used by site admins Installing new WMS gLite3.1 node for IMATH and CESGA VOs Migration of all services from glite3.0 to gLite3.1 completed CESGA QR2, SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2, Oct 22 2008
Contribution to SA1 Tasks Pre-Production Coordination of the pre-deployment activity. The following releases were coordinated during the present period: U33-37 of glite 3.1 Installing and configuring glexec on PPS WN for LHCB pilots jobs. Installation of a new gLite3.1 UI for PPS on SVGD Pre-deployment of the following services (given per update): U34: CE, SE, WN, MON and RGMA U36: CE, SE, WN, MON and RGMA U37: CE and WN Update of the pre-deployment test introduction page (savannah task #7780). Elaboration of a complete list of services to test and formal request to all PPS sites for collaboration testing orphaned services (services currently not tested by any partner) Support for PPS sites, answering questions in the PPS mailing list Presentation in EGEE'08: The Deployment Test: Present and Future CESGA QR2, SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2, Oct 22 2008
Contribution to SA1 Tasks TSA1.2.6 Interoperations Configuring and testing new I2G/EGEE interoperability procedure Installing a configuring new CESGA interoperation infrastructure between EGEE/I2G and NGI-ES Configuring regional Nagios monitoring tool to support NGI-ES sites Collaboration with FORMIGA project to support its infrastructure into EGEE Collaboration with IMATH project: support to add their sites in the EGEE infrastructure (UB and UNICAN) Collaboration with Retelab and Cytedgrid projects CESGA QR2, SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2, Oct 22 2008
Contribution to SA1 Tasks TSA1.2.7 Monitoring Tools to support Grid operations: Installation of a regional Nagios server for SWE federation: added PIC, LCG-USC, LIP and E-CA-IAA sites Improved SWE SAM monitoring map and email alert functionality: possibility to monitor VOs different than OPS Updating SWE SAM and GSTAT monitoring page to include new CEs in the ROC OAT: Attendance to meetings, collaboration in MSA1.1: Operations Automation Strategy CESGA QR2, SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2, Oct 22 2008
What are the deviations? PPS Deployment test coordination: Some services are not being tested because no partner is responsible for them. Also in some cases they are not tested because the responsible partner is on holidays. To solve this issue we are building a complete list of services and looking for a responsible for each service as well as a “backup” site in case the primary responsible can not do the testing. CESGA QR2, SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2, Oct 22 2008
What is the main success in the reporting period? The main success was the work done to accomplish the interoperability between EGEE, I2G, IMATH, FORMIGA and NGI-ES. CESGA QR2, SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2, Oct 22 2008
What is the main issue in the reporting period? The main issue was gLite3.1 migration Some bugs in critical services were found. In some cases, we had to wait for a new patch to solve these critical problems. PPS Deployment Test Activity Issue: As coordinators of the pre-deployment test activity, we had an issue on August with the package lcg-sam-client-sensors that had erroneous dependencies with GFAL-client package. The problem was not detected because the package was erroneously included under glite-torque package instead of glite- WN. Glite-WN was tested but since we are using glite-SGE_utils instead of glite-torque the lcg-sam-client-sensors were not tested and the bug passed to production. No other partner with glite- torque tested this release. CESGA QR2, SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2, Oct 22 2008
Hiring Hiring: how many SA1 PMs are still not assigned (e.g. because of hiring problems)? None CESGA QR2, SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2, Oct 22 2008
Services 1/2 Basic Monitoring Service Accounting Regional Nagios Gridice Monitoring alerts SWE federation's monitoring web page Accounting EGEE accounting portal (GOC EGEE View) Accounting Enforcement Portal SWE federation's accounting web site Apel installation support in the SWE federation Weekly Apel status report Daily monitoring of accounting data published by SWE federation sites Standalone CPU normalization test PPS Central Accounting Repository (LcgRecords Flexible Archiver) EGEE Regional Accounting Portal (EGEE-RAP) Accounting Metrics CESGA QR2, SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2, Oct 22 2008
Services 2/2 Pre-Production Site Helpdesk Pre-production cluster (CESGA-PPS) Central PPS R-GMA registry server PPS wiki PPS GOCdb View GridIce Helpdesk Support by email/phone to other members of the SWE federation about the installation of the LCG accounting and monitoring tools. Support by email/phone to the users of the TDC and PPS. GGUS Accounting Apel Support Unit. GGUS Accounting Policies Support Unit. Additional services VO IMATH WMS, LB and VOMS VO CESGA SWE Resources Page SWE wiki pkIrisGrid Registration Authority (RA) CESGA QR2, SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2, Oct 22 2008
Milestones & Deliverables Global milestones & deliverables MSA1.1: Operations Automation Strategy: contributions related to accounting and ROC CESGA's internal milestones & deliverables M1: I2G Integrated I2G infrastructure was fully integrated into EGEE sharing all CESGA’s WNs M2: SGE MPI support lcg-CE New SGE JobManager for MPI was written and will be tested next months DSA1: RA CESGA Policy v1 The document with the policy to RA CESGA was done and published on link, http://www.irisgrid.es/pki/policy/ra/pkirisgrid-cesga-policy-1.3.0-20080424.pdf DSA4: SGE Support Roadmap V1 A first draft version was done DSA5: Assessment of additional services to install locally v1 New gLite3.1 services like WMS and LFC catalog were installed and tested for local VOs DSA6: Assessment of additional services to install for SWE ROC v1 A new regional Nagios for SWE federation was installed DSA9: Analysis of rNagios r-Nagios was tested successfully CESGA QR2, SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2, Oct 22 2008
Cross-activities Contribution A list of the participation of the partner in any of the main groups, task force, bodies, representing the partner, the ROC or the SA1 activity. PPS: CESGA is responsible for the Deployment Tests Coordination OAT: Member of the core team CESGA QR2, SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2, Oct 22 2008
Thank you CESGA QR2, SA1-SWE Partner Coordination Meeting 2, Oct 22 2008